Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman, MD, will be a keynote speaker at the upcoming Chicken Soup Conference for Shluchim organized by Chabad on Call at Merkos 302.
LA Rabbonim Deeply Impressed After Testing YOEC Bochurim
Rabbonim from the various frum communities in Los Angeles expressed their amazement after testing 14 bochurim from Yeshiva Ohr Elchonon Chabad on the entire Meseches Gittin Baal Peh.
Aguch 3 Tammuz Farbrengen to be Held in Crown Heights
Agudas Chassidei Chabad invites Anash and tmimim to join the Central farbrengen marking Gimmel Tammuz. The farbrengen will take place Thursday, Gimmel Tammuz at 9:30.
Registration Opens for a Transformative Journey to R’ Levik’s Tzion
This Chof Av, join fellow Chassidim and Mashpiim as you visit the Tzion of the Rebbe’s father, partake in enlightening Shiurim, and immerse yourself in uplifting Farbrengens.
Wedding: Koussevitzky – Baum
The wedding of Michoel Koussevitzky of Coral Springs, Florida, and Sarah Baum of Sierra Vista, Arizona, took place at Oholei Torah.
Our Communities
Wedding Celebration on Gimmel Tammuz?
Anash.org feature: Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin, Rov of Anash in London, explores interesting Torah questions and halachic dilemmas including shachris near the North Pole, white gold for a wedding ring, selling shul furniture, and a wedding on Gimmel Tammuz.
The Nigun That Expresses the Avoda of a Chossid
A nigun composed by renowned composer Reb Shalom Charitonov, which he composed to express the avodah of a chossid, was remastered and recorded by Rabbi Menachem Amar.
12 Pages of Tzemach Tzedek’s Handwriting Disappeared, 3 Were Found
It was Simchas Torah in the summer at the Chabad Yeshiva of Netanya when three teshuvos of the Tzemach Tzedek, written in his ksav yad kodesh, were brought in on their way to the Rebbe’s library in New York.
Campaign Launched to “Keep 770 Running”
It is no small feat to keep 770 running 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. A campaign is being launched for all chassidim to take part in the upkeep of 770, and to keep the Rebbe’s shul running.
New Shluchim to Beverlywood, California
Rabbi Mendel and Sara Piekarski, together with their son Avraham Abba will be moving on Shlichus to Beverlywood, California to expand the activities and direct the adult education and youth programming.
Three Days of Fun for All Young Shluchim and Shluchos
The Shluchim Office invites all young Shluchim and Shluchim to join a three day program full of fun, learning and entertainment, free of charge.
Shoshi Blau, 10, AH
Shoshi Blau, a young Chabad girl from Beitar Illit, passed way on Tuesday after sustaining serious injuries when a Arab truck driver ran her over.
Guests Inspire at Panama Yeshiva
There is never a dull moment in Kolel Torah Panama, especially during the past few weeks when they enjoyed the visits of a number of distinguished guests.
Thursday: 3 Tammuz Farbrengen in Northern Crown Heights
The Lincoln Place Shul in northern Crown Heights will hold a Hakhel farbrengen led by Rabbi Kasriel Kastel, to mark the Rebbe‘s yahrzeit on Gimmel Tammuz.
L’Chaim: Taub – Groisman
The L’Chaim of Yisroel Taub and Malky Groisman, both of Five Towns, NY took place Monday night at Lubavitch Yeshiva.
4 Murdered in Terrorist Attack in Eli
Four people were murdered and another four injured in a terrorist shooting attack at a gas station near the city of Eli in Binyamin Tuesday afternoon.
Campus Shluchim Gather For Annual Kinus
Campus Shluchim from around the world are gathering this week for the Chabad on Campus International Kinus Hashluchim for three days of inspiration, learning, and networking.
Aspiring Shluchim Learn Crucial Insights In Navigating Shlichus
A remarkable 120 Yungerlite flocked to the recent workshop organized by the New Shluchim Desk at Merkos 302. The event, led by Rabbi Aaron Herman, proved to be an invaluable resource for newly married couples seeking guidance and support as they embark on their Shlichus journey.
Wedding: Azrielant – Babayov
The wedding of Yonatan Azrielant of Crown Heights and Esther Babayov of Detroit, MI took place at Razag Ballroom
Gallery: Scenes from Around Jewish Venice
Photographer Mordechai Lubetzky took advantage of a one-day stopover to visit the city of Venice in Italy. There he photographed two old synagogues, as well as scenes from a local kosher restaurant serving pizzas, falafel, cakes etc.
Tut Altz Debuts Gimmel Tammuz Resources For All Ages
On the mission to bring the Rebbe’s words to a larger circle, Tut Altz at Merkos 302 rolls out learning material and programming ahead of Gimmel Tammuz; for children, adults, and shluchim
Crown Heights Boys Complete Entire Seder Noshim in Free Time
A beautiful mesibah this past Sunday recognized the boys who participated this year in Mishnayos Gavriel program, including the boys of Kitah Zayin who completed the entire Seder Noshim.
Remsen Village Celebrates New Building with Gala Event
The Lubavitch community of Remsen Village, which closed on a new shul and community center less than two weeks ago, celebrated this historic occasion with a gala event on Sunday night.
Reb Pinye’s Farbrengens Transcribed in New Publication
The Shabbos farbrengens of renowned mashpia Reb Pinye Korf, transcribed by Levik Raksin, were published in a teshura for his wedding this week.
Monsey Cheder Talmidim Receive First Siddur
After a yearlong of hard work learning to read and perfecting their kriah, the five year old class at Monsey Cheder Chabad finally received their first Siddur at a grand celebration with family and friends.