War Day 381: Hezbollah Bribed UNIFIL, Israel Readies Iran Strike

War Summary, Day 381: Preparations for Iran attack are complete with US THAAD defense systems, Hezbollah stores $.5B under Beirut hospital, 24 Hezbollah financial institutions worth tens of millions destroyed, 7 Azerbaijan immigrants commit worst security breach in Israel’s history, captured terrorist admits to bribing and controlling UNIFIL forces, and Iran war may last a few months.


600 Celebrate Simchas Bais Hashoeva in San Francisco

San Francisco’s Jewish community gathered in unprecedented numbers on Sunday Chol Hamoed for a grand Simchas Bais Hashoeva, hosted by 14 local Chabad Houses and Shuls. With over 600 attendees, the celebration of Sukkos filled the streets with music, joy, and unity.


Toiveling a Gift of Dishes?

Anash.org feature: Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin, Rov of Anash in London, explores interesting Torah questions and halachic dilemmas including toiveling a gift, minyan in two rooms, opening a wet sukkah cover over the lawn, and renting out a parking space which will be used on Shabbos.


Kosel AR Offers Aliya L’Regel Reality Experience 

A new and innovative AR application allows visitors to the kosel to experience the leviim singing in the azarah, the olei regalim ascending to Yerushalayim, and even navigate through significant periods and landmarks in the history of the site from the bayis sheini period.


Young Leaders Launch ‘ScrollUp’ Mezuzah Campaign

Following recent events, Chabad Young Professionals launched Project ‘ScrollUp,’ which aims to empower young Jews to place mezuzahs— in the words of visionary donor Jonathon Ambar—’not just on our doors, but on our neighbors’ doors too,’ as a powerful statement of Jewish resilience and pride.


Joyous Simchas Beis HaShoeiva in Paris, France

Hundreds of Anash and bochurim from across Paris and its suburbs gathered at the Chabad House in Plaine-de-Paris, France, for joyous Simchas Beis HaShoeiva dancing and a farbrengen.


Brunoy Celebrated Masechta Mastered By Heart Over a Summer

Having spent their summer months immersed in learning, Bochurim in Brunoy’s Shiur Alef committed the entire masechta Taanis to memory. At a celebratory event, they celebrated the milestone and thanked the Talmidim haShluchim for their hard work to bring this to fruition.


Baby Girl
י״ח תשרי ה׳תשפ״ה - October 20, 2024

Moscow Celebrated with Hamantaschen in the Sukkah

The first days of Sukkos were celebrated in Moscow with grand seudos held in multiple large sukkahs in the courtyard of the Marina Roscha shul. When news arrived after Shabbos of the elimination of Yahya Sinwar, the Chief Rabbi distributed hamantaschen to celebrate.


Free Platform Provides Pilpul for Bar Mitzvah Boys

A new website in memory of Zev Aryeh Glick AH helps Bar Mitzvah boys fulfill the time-honored custom of reciting a pilpul at their bar mitzvah. The website provides a variety of pilpulim in English, Yiddish, and Lashon Hakodesh, available for free download for easy learning and delivery.


Thousands Celebrate at Simchas Beis HaShoeiva in Yerushalayim

Photos: Meir Alfasi, Video: Dovber Hechtman

This year saw a huge turnover at the yearly Simchas Beis Hashoeiva event in the Chabad neighborhood of Yerushalayim. Organized by Tzeirei Agudas Chabad, the event featured world-renowned Chazzan Helfgot and other renowned singers with an accompanying orchestra.


Daily Father and Son Learning for Chol Hamoed

Over Chol Hamoed, a special Avos Ubanim program will be hosted at Crown Heights and East Flatbush shuls, l’zchus our brethren in Eretz Yisroel. The program will feature prizes and a special grand raffle for all participants.


War Day 379: Drone Hits Netanyahu’s Home, US Leaks Intel

War Summary, Day 376-379: Hezbollah drones target Netanyahu’s home, Hezbollah continues firing 200 rockets daily, airstrikes resume in Beirut, a Lebanese town thanks the IDF for removing Hezbollah, Netanyahu offers immunity to Gazans helping return hostages, 31 of Hamas’s top 54 leaders killed, Hamas hides their next leader’s identity, and U.S. leaks Israel’s preparation for an Iran strike.

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