47 young men spent a sunny summer week in mid-August studying Jewish heritage and Torah, davening, sailing in regattas, enjoying excursions to Jewish historical sites, and participating in various interactive workshops, sessions, farbrengens, and Shabbos in the town of Lubavitch.
Shluchim Armed to Teach Rashi Sichos Like Never Before
Sixty years after the Rebbe’s first Rashi Sichah, JLI’s Torah Studies unveils a unique curriculum allowing Chabad House community members a structured template to taste the Rebbe’s Torah and experience its richness.
Camp Staff Were Very Busy During Their Free Time
Over 200 staff members from 7 Chabad overnight camps across North America participated in the “Staff Mivtza Torah” which motivated them to learn all of Masechta Makkos over the summer, as well as a sicha and maamar each week.
Global Rosh Kolel Now Heads One at Home
Rabbi Chaim Hillel Raskin, who heads the global Kolel Rabbonei Chabad, has now opened a local Kolel for yungeleit in the historic Tzemach Tzedek shul of Petach Tikvah where he serves as the rov.
Find Your Next Chazan Position with Anash.org
Are you a chazan looking for a great position? Anash.org is here to help! We’re hosting a comprehensive list to connect talented chazanim with Shluchim who want your expertise.
Register on our list with the link below and let Shluchim find you!
For more details, email [email protected].
Queens Mesivta Begins New Year in Crown Heights
Yeshivas Tomchei Tmimim Lubavitch Queens, currently gracing Crown Heights with its presence, has embarked on its new Shnas Halimudim 5784 with an overflowing wellspring of enthusiasm, chayus, and geshmak.
Our Communities
Picture of the Day
The Strikover Rebbe of Bnei Brak, Rav Dovid Brander, who leads the Strikov community and is a respected figure in Eretz Yisroel, was seen on a visit to 770.
New Daily ‘Samech Vov’ Shiur Begins in Crown Heights
A new shiur learning Hemshech Samech Vov began this morning taught by acclaimed maggid shiur Rabbi Peretz Shapiro. The shiur is open to the public and is followed by shachris.
Watch: ‘The King is in the Field’ for Kids
This week, MyMaor Weekly presents a brand-new video: The King is in the Field. The timeless mashal from the Alter Rebbe comes to life like never before, in a way that will captivate your children and convey its profound lesson.
Boy with Autism Is the Shliach of His School
Gedaliah Shaffer wasn’t thrilled when his mother enrolled him in Shrub Oak International School. But it wasn’t long before he became known as “shliach of the school,” arranging Jewish programs and a minyan for a boy to say kaddish.
Oholei Torah Produces Community Calendar for 5785
The 5785 Oholei Torah Community Calendar is available free of charge at your local Crown Heights stores and at the Yeshiva’s main office. Parents can also pick up their calendars at the upcoming Open House evenings in the Yeshiva.
Got Questions on Business Halacha? This Expert Has Answers
Interview with Rabbi Mordechai Zev Hecht, Dayan Beth Din of East Flatbush and expert in Business Halacha, instructor for the upcoming Lemaan Yilmedu course in Business Halacha. Spots still available in the year-long course on conducting business according to halacha.
Will Eliyahu Hanavi Renew the ‘Real’ Semicha?
In the third episode of the “Hilchisa L’Meshica” podcast, Rabbi Yehuda Shurpin delves deeper into how the Rebbe understands the Rambam’s opinion on when Eliyahu will come and the controversy over the attempted renewal of semicha in 1538.
Lubavitcher Photographer Captures Sights and Scenes of Bulgaria
Lubavitcher traveling photographer Mordechai Lubecki presents a photo and video tour of Sofia, Bulgaria’s sites, including its old shul, Chabad House, city center, and military museum.
Young Champions Transform Sydney Opera House
At the close of an unforgettable weekend, JewQ Australia competition finalists gathered for a Jewish pride rally in front of the iconic Sydney Opera House. Following the blast of a shofar, the children broke into spontaneous dancing and singing of “Am Yisroel Chai” and “I’m a Jew and I’m Proud.”
War Day 338: IDF Strikes Iranian Site in Syria, Three Israelis Killed
War Summary, Day 338: New details of conditions of the 6 hostages, Biden administration stumped on hostage deal as Hamas increases demands, sirens in Ashkelon, senior Hamas rocket commander eliminated, Hezbollah continues to escalate fire, IDF heavily attacks Iranian site in Syria, and three Israelis killed in terror attack at Allenby Bridge crossing.
‘Yeshiva in Prison’ Prints a Tanya Behind Bars
During a recent ‘Yeshiva in Prison’ program held at the Marion Correctional Facility in Ocala, Florida, bochurim Shmuly Cohen, Yossi Isaac, and Menachem Engel successfully printed a Tanya, spreading the light of Chassidus even behind bars.
How Crown Heights Came to Have Its Own Safety Office
Every Jewish community has a safety office for Jewish souls; a tech office that fits filters to phones and computers. For years, Crown Heights had been relying on a mobile truck from Williamsburg TAG that came once a week, until one dedicated group of people decided that Crown Heights deserved to have an office of their own.
Crown Heights Bookmobile Adds Two New Stops in East Flatbush
All My Children’s Jewish Library on Wheels serves Crown Heights and East Flatbush, offering books in English, Hebrew, and Yiddish for children and adults of all ages. Their new schedule for this coming year includes two new stops for residents of East Flatbush.
Pure Faces on First Day at Cheder Ohr Menachem
Gallery 2: Tinokos Shel Beis Rabbon at Cheder Ohr Menachem in Crown Heights began their new year of learning Torah with a fresh chayus and geshmak.
R’ Betzalel Fleischman, AH
R’ Pesach Betzalel Fleischman, a member of Chabad in Los Angeles, California, who served for years as a community handyman, passed away.
Warm ‘Welcome Home’ at Cheder Ohr Menachem
Gallery 1: After a short summer break, talmidim of Cheder Ohr Menachem in Crown Heights were delighted to come back to meet their rebbis and reminisce with chaveirim on their summer experiences.
Back to School: Education Tips From the Rebbe
As children head back into the classroom for the new school year, the vital topic of education is on everyone’s mind. The Rebbe’s guidance on this topic is refreshingly clarifying, offering valuable insights and tips for anyone involved in shaping young minds.