We All Have Double Standards

Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: When it comes to learning Torah or engaging in certain challenging matters of Yiddishkeit, we sometimes justify ourselves by saying, “I don’t have the brains/time/energy for such difficult subjects,” or, “It’s totally out of character for me to get involved.” Justifications indeed. Until we prove ourselves wrong.

‘Global Initiatives’ Make Us Feel Like We’re Changing the World

Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: “You can change the whole world,” can lead us to think that our focus in life should be global initiatives. “Don’t concern yourselves with the entire world!” the Rebbe once screamed. A Yid’s responsibility is to follow what Hashem says, and that’s the way to make a true global difference.

The Rebbe’s Glasses are Now Available

Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: Give a man an insight and you teach him for a day. Give a man perspective and you teach him for a lifetime. One of the major gifts from the Rebbe to the world is not only his own vision but the ability for us to have Rebbe-vision

She Would Not Get Upset or Complain

An outstanding chassidishe woman held in high esteem by the Tzemach Tzedek and Rebbetzin Rivkah‘s grandmother, Rebbetzin Leah Golda was  was always calm and collected, never getting angry over wrongdoing or complaining when she suffered.

GPS Won’t Tell You Where to Go

Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: Google and Waze are up to date with road construction, closures and traffic, but they’ll always be limited by finite intelligence. They can get us where we want to go, but they can’t possibly know if it’s good for us to be there.

The Rising Star of Chabad in Russia

Born to the esteemed chossid Radatz, Reb Mendel Chein was a gaon in Torah and an eloquent orator who served as a spokesperson for the Rebbe Rashab and Reb Chaim Brisker at the 1910 Rabbinic Conference.

‘One More Day of Tefillin…’

Reb Zalman Dovid Amliner was an incredible oved and would practice intense iskafya. When his end was near he regretted it, since one day of tefillin was worth even more. But Chassidim had something to say about that.

Wouldn’t You Prefer to Shoot a Missile?

Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: Do you ever get the feeling that you’d like to send a missile and end the war in Eretz Yisroel? One of the messages of the bow and arrow on Lag B’Omer is that the closer we pull the bowstring towards ourselves, the farther away the arrow will reach.

It Smelled Like Moshiach In His Home

A leading talmid of the Baal Shem Tov and Mezritcher Maggid, Reb Mendel Horodoker was the Alter Rebbe‘s Rebbe until he moved to Eretz Yisroel. Yet, he could not tell inside his house if Moshiach had arrived.

They Carried Him Outside While He Was Davening

The son of Rebbetzin Fraida, the Alter Rebbe‘s daughter, Reb Ahron of Krementchug married Rebbetzin Rivkah‘s mother after her first husband passed away. Once, a fire broke out while he davened, and they carried him outside completely oblivious to what had happened.

Secular Morals Have Gone Bankrupt, Again

Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: In recent weeks, we witnessed once again the lack of morals, ethics, and even basic civility from both students and leaders at prestigious universities. Pirkei Avos reminds us at the start that Torah is the only source for good, pure, and true guidance.

He Was Teaching Torah Under the Floor

When young Shula came looking for her father, Reb Yitzchok Elchonon Shagalov, the chossid who opened the door began moving a large table in the center of the room. He then bent down and removed three planks of wood from the floor.

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