CGI Montreal Releases Newest Summer Singles

Ahead of the upcoming registration day this Sunday, Camp Gan Yisroel Montreal is pleased to share two newly produced color war songs from the summer of 5784, which capture the unforgettable memories created with staff and campers.

The Time Will Come to Address Zionism

When Reb Uriel Tzimmer asked the Rebbe if the Chabad opposition to Zionism had changed, the Rebbe asserted it hadn’t, and proceeded to explain why he didn’t speak about it. But, the Rebbe told him, there will come a time when it will be addressed.

War Day 475: Ongoing Operation to Eliminate ‘Jenin Battalion,’ Hamas Kills Gazans

War Summary, Day 475: Four hostages to be released on Shabbos, Hamas kills 7 Gazans and injures 17 for allegedly collaborating with Israel, the IDF is working to completely neutralize the “Jenin Battalion,” Trump hopes Israel can subdue the Iranian threat without striking nuclear facilities, and Republican congressmen to discuss Egypt’s Camp David Accords violations.

Operation ‘Iron Wall’ Activated in Crown Heights

Women of Iron Unite is on a bold mission to bring Tznius into the spotlight, encouraging women everywhere to elevate personal growth and “keep our camp holy.” Launched just six weeks ago on Yud Tes Kislev, this initiative empowers Noshim Tzedkonios with the Rebbe’s Brochos to take united steps toward ushering in Moshiach Tzidkeinu.

Levaya Held for Rabbi Moshe Herson

The Levaya of Rabbi Moshe Herson, Head Shliach of New Jersey and dean of the Rabbinical College of America, took place today, passing by 770 on the way to the kevurah at Montefiore Cemetery.

First as a Photographer, He Became Part of the Picture

Rabbi Gavriel Schapiro relates the enthusiasm of the famous Chabad photographer Levi Yitzchak Freidin when he was first introduced to the job, how a girl became frum from watching his films of the Rebbe, and how, on his last day, he had the expansion of 770 on his mind.

War Day 474: Operation Iron Wall Continues, UAE Might Control Gaza

War Summary, Day 474: Israel preparing for return of four hostages on Shabbos, preparations for both ceasefire and war in Gaza, terrorists break ceasefire terms and approach IDF positions, Hamas commander who was fought to be eliminated, emerges, UAE agrees in principal to control Gaza Terrorists eliminated in Operation Iron Walls and Houthis threaten a return to action.

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