After three days together, 4,000 Jewish teens from 60 countries gathered one last time to close the CTeen International Shabbaton. Their message was clear: Unapologetic Judaism isn’t a one-time response or reaction. It’s a lifestyle. Now, they are heading home ready to live it.
7,000 Jewish Teens Pack Times Square with Jewish Pride
7,000 Jewish teens from 60 countries filled Times Square on Motzaei Shabbos night, singing, dancing, and declaring their Jewish pride in the most public square on earth. After a year of challenges, they didn’t gather to explain who they are. They came to live it—out loud and together.
Shluchim Office Hosts Annual Shluchos Farbrengen
On Thursday evening of the Kinus, Shluchos joined the annual Shluchos Farbregen hosted by the Shluchim Office for an evening of unity, inspiration and connection.
Preschool Directors Treated to Chabad Early Childhood Brunch
Over the Kinus weekend, Chabad Early Childhood hosted preschool directors on Shlichus for a beautiful brunch with dynamic sessions. The annual event is a highlight for these Shluchos to discuss relevant issues and gain practical guidance and inspiration.
Young Shluchos Enjoy Exhilarating Grand Trip
After an incredible Friday and Shabbos full of fun and inspiration, Young Shluchos at the Kinus Tzeirei Hashluchos were excited for their grand trip where they had the best time enjoying skating, arcades, rock climbing and more.
Young Shluchos Find Meaning in Writing to the Rebbe
Young Shluchos joining the Kinus Tzeirei Hashluchos of the Shluchim Office gathered together for an inspirational visit to the Rebbe’s Ohel. A beautiful video presentation was shown showcasing Young Shluchos all around the world taking on Hachlotos as a gift to the Rebbe
Young Shluchos Kinus Concludes with Uplifting Finale
Over 2,000 Young Shluchos joining both the in-person and virtual track of the Kinus Tzeirei Hashluchos of the Shluchim Office joined together for their Grand Finale event, celebrating three amazing days of Chassidishkiet, fun, and connection.
Shluchos Recharge at Practical Kinus Workshops
Carefully curated and structured, each Kinus workshop offers Shluchos tangible tools, relevant discussions, and an opportunity to address real-world challenges. Topics this year included, “Back to Basics: The Gift of Chassidus in Raising Children,” “Whole Family Shlichus: Going Beyond Youth,” and “Small Community, Big Impact.”
Agam Berger Visits 770 in Kfar Chabad to Thank the Rebbe
Freed hostage Agam Berger, together with her parents, Shlomi and Meirav, visited 770 in Kfar Chabad to express their gratitude to the Rebbe. They were accompanied by Cholon shluchim and the city’s Chief Rabbi, Rabbi Yochanan Gurary.
Classmates, Students and Teachers Were Excited to Meet in Person
Classmates, teachers, and mothers of the Nigri International Shluchim Online School joined together for their annual reunion, a once-a-year event where they get to see each other in person and connect.
Gala Banquet of the 35th International Kinus Hashluchos
Over 4,000 shluchos and lay leaders from around the world filled the 150,000-square-foot New Jersey Convention and Expo Center, transformed for the evening into a beautiful banquet hall, for the 35th International Kinus Hashluchos.
Melave Malka Celebrated Shluchos Support for One Another
At the Melava Malka session of the Kinus Hashluchos, shluchos from Shiloh, Eretz Yisrael, to Lagos, Nigeria, and from Pacific Palisades, California, to Geneseo, NY, spoke about the deep bonds of sisterhood that exist among the shluchos, supporting each other in times of need.
Young Shluchos Kinus Kicked Off with 770 Rally and Group Photo
The Kinus Tzeirei Hashluchos of the Shluchim Office kicked off on Friday with Young Shluchos from around the world meeting their bunkmates and counselors at registration before taking a group photo and gathering all together in 770 for a meaningful and inspirational rally.
Evening Ignites The Flame of Hiskashrus for Shluchos
Hosted for the Shluchos, by the Shluchos, Thursday night’s program at the Kinus event in the Bedford Armory saw thousands of shluchos young and old fill the Bedford Armory for an interactive Hishkashrus experience. A special video tribute to Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky was shown at the event.
Shluchos Draw Strength at the Rebbe and Rebbetzin’s Resting Place
Thousands of Shluchos participating in the International Kinus Hashluchos boarded buses to visit the Rebbe and Rebbetzin’s Ohel on the 37th yahrzeit of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka. The Shluchos came—many with their babies in their arms—to daven on behalf of their families and the millions they guide.
Kinus Hashluchos 5785 Kicks Off In Crown Heights
Shluchos touched down in Crown Heights on Wednesday from every corner of the world, greeted by the familiar warmth of friends, family, and fellow shluchos. The Jewish Children’s Museum buzzed with energy as they picked up their badges and settled in for a weekend of inspiration and connection.
These 8th Graders Held Their Graduation Trip Mid-Year
Eighth-grade students of the Nigri Shluchim Online School held their graduation trip ahead of the Kinus Hashluchos weekend, making it a special experience to spend time with each other, gain inspiration, and have lots of fun.
Kinus Tzeirei Hashluchos Announces Head Staff
As Young Shluchos around the world eagerly countdown until the Kinus Tzeirei Hashluchos taking place next week, the Shluchim Office announces the head staff leading this year’s program.
Chabad Early Childhood Invites Shluchos to Preschool Event
Chabad Early Childhood of the Shluchim Office invites all Shluchos to a preschool empowerment session taking place in Crown Heights during the Kinus Hashluchos.
Shluchos Farbrengen is a Time to be Treated and Inspired
The Shluchim Office announces this year’s lineup for the annual Shluchos Farbrengen. It is an opportunity for the Shluchos to relax, feel treated out and enjoy an inspiring and uplifting Farbrengen together.