L’Chaim: Simkovitz – Goltz

Photos: Shalom Ross/Anash.org
Photos: Shalom Ross/Anash.org

The L’Chaim of Yehoshua Hanan Simkovitz of Santa Rosa, CA, and Lilah Elisheva Goltz of Camarillo, CA, took place at the FREE hall in Crown Heights.

L’Chaim: Rozenblat – Lesches

Photos: Shalom Ross/Anash.org
Photos: Shalom Ross/Anash.org

The L’Chaim of Moshe Rozenblat of Cedarhurst, NY, and Moussia Lesches of Melbourne, Australia, was celebrated at the FREE Shul in Crown Heights.

L’Chaim: Hecht – Simpson

Photos: Shalom Ross/Anash.org
Photos: Shalom Ross/Anash.org

The L’Chaim of Shmuli Hecht of Sunnyvale, CA, and Chana Simpson of Cincinnati, Ohio, took place at the Lubavitch Yeshiva hall in Crown Heights.

L’Chaim: Lazar – Raskin

Photos: Shalom Ross/Anash.org
Photos: Shalom Ross/Anash.org

The L’Chaim of Levi Lazar of Moscow, Russia, and Draizy Raskin (bas R’ Hirshel) of Montreal, Canada, was celebrated at the Lubavitch Yeshiva hall.

L’Chaim: Brod – Rappoport

Photos: Shalom Ross/Anash.org
Photos: Shalom Ross/Anash.org

The L’Chaim of Levi Brod of Los Angeles, CA, and Mushky Rappoport of Crown Heights, was celebrated in the Lubavitch Yeshiva hall in Crown Heights.

Wedding: Braun – Cohen

Photos: Nehoray Edri/Anash.org
Photos: Nehoray Edri/Anash.org

The wedding of Yankel Braun, son of Crown Heights rov Harav Yosef Braun, and Chaya Mushka Cohen of Manchester, England, was celebrated last night at Razag ballroom.

L’Chaim: Wolf – Lipskar

Photos: Shalom Ross/Anash.org
Photos: Shalom Ross/Anash.org

The L’Chaim of Nochi Wolf of Melbourne, Australia, and Chayale Lipskar of Bal Harbor, Florida, was celebrated at the Lubavitch Yeshiva hall.

L’Chaim: Newman – Wolowik

Photos: Shalom Ross/Anash.org
Photos: Shalom Ross/Anash.org

The L’Chaim of Moishie Newman of Alexandria, VA, and Chaya Wolowik of Los Angeles, CA, was celebrated on Tuesday night at Ulam Chana.

L’Chaim: Rabenou – Polinger

Photos: Shalom Ross/Anash.org
Photos: Shalom Ross/Anash.org

The L’Chaim of Yedidia Rabenou of Antwerp, Belgium, and Chana Polinger of Monsey, NY, was celebrated in the Lubavitcher Yeshiva hall in Crown Heights.

L’Chaim: Volfman – Friedman

Photos: Shalom Ross/Anash.org
Photos: Shalom Ross/Anash.org

The L’Chaim of Mendy Volfman of Monsey, NY, and Chaya Friedman of Pittsburgh, PA, was celebrated on Wednesday night at the Lubavitch Yeshiva hall.

L’Chaim: Polter – Goldberg

Photos: Shalom Ross/Anash.org
Photos: Shalom Ross/Anash.org

The L’Chaim of Yitzchok Polter of Orangeburg, NY, and Chanale Goldberg of Pomona, NY, took place on Tuesday night at the Lubavitch Yeshiva hall.

L’Chaim: Katz – Lipinski

Photos: Shalom Ross/Anash.org
Photos: Shalom Ross/Anash.org

The L’Chaim of Moshe Katz of Manhattan, NY, and Odel Lipinski of Buenos Aires, Argentina, took place at the JCM hall in Crown Heights.

L’Chaim: Zajac – Backman

Photos: Shalom Ross/Anash.org
Photos: Shalom Ross/Anash.org

The L’Chaim of Simcha Zajac of S. Paulo, Brazil, and Chana Backman, of Glendale, CA, took place at the Jewish Children’s Museum in Crown Heights.

L’Chaim: Mayer – Weber

Photos: Shalom Ross/Anash.org
Photos: Shalom Ross/Anash.org

The L’Chaim of Reuvi Mayer of Charlottesville, VA, and Shani Weber of Philadelphia, PA, took place at the Jewish Children’s Museum.

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