In honor of Yud Shevat, the Rebbe’s house and room in 770 will be open to the public for tefilos from Thursday to Sunday at designated times.
Discovery Reveals the Rebbe’s Unique ‘Krias Yam Suf’ Location
In a fascinating discovery, researcher Rabbi Menachem Mendel Greenfeld revealed that the site of Krias Yam Suf was identified by the Rebbe in a different location than commonly believed. It turns out that the Yam Suf is not the Red Sea, but another body of water nearby.
Singer to Lead Nigunim at Jewish Hour Event
As excitement builds for the pre-Yud Shvat event with Rabbi Yudy Shemtov, Rabbi Efraim Mintz, and Rabbi Chaim Mentz, NCFJE announced that singer Moshe Groner from Lakewood will perform soulful and heartfelt nigunim.
Our Communities
Dear Shliach, Your Anash Community Needs You, Too
Whether your shlichus has sent you to the most remote region or to somewhere in New York City, your home team is honored to be there for you. Crown Heights is ready for meaningful improvements to keep the Shechuna going strong – and you are a part of it!
Today is the Last Day for ‘Ariber’ Auction!
Did you buy your tickets yet? This time, it may be YOUR name on the list of winners! “Ariber” means EXTRAORDINARY prizes! “Ariber” means taking a LEAP of faith for the chance to win! And most importantly, “Ariber” means BETTER chinuch!
Moscow Mesivta Holds Chidon and Award Ceremony on Rebbe’s Torah
At a festive event at the Moscow Mesivta, bochurim celebrated and were tested on an entire volume of Likutei Sichos. Addressing the event were mashpiim R’ Zalman Gopin from Kfar Chabad and Rabbi Menachem Dobruskin of Migdal HaEmek, and Chief Rabbi of Russia, Rabbi Berel Lazar.
Cash on the Ground: Finders Keepers?
In this week’s Choshen Mishpat Renaissance podcast, Rabbi Berel Polityko breaks down the laws of lost and found cash. When can you keep money that you find?
Ohel Bus Expands Services in Honor of 75th Yud Shvat
In honor of the 75 years since Yud Shvat, Bus to Ohel is expanding its services, including new routes from Boro Park and Manhattan, and increased frequency. Over Yud Shvat, the Ohel Bus will run from Crown Heights at an expanded schedule to accommodate the many guests.
War Day 487: Terror Attack in Shomron, Trump Restoring Maximum Pressure on Iran
War Summary, Day 487: Terror attack in Samaria: two heroes killed, Trump drops bombshell: U.S. to take over Gaza, Gazans to be relocated to other areas, Netanyahu emphasizes three goals of the war, Trump addresses Iran, Saudis, annexing Judea & Samaria, and Hamas still pushing boundaries of buffer zone with two shot.
Trump Considers Deporting Hamas and Owning Gaza
At his first joint press conference with another head of state, President Donald Trump shocked the audience by announcing his own solution for Gaza—having its residents leave the area, allowing America to take over and transform it into a new global hub for development, prosperity, and growth.
“Kdai Hu”: It’s Worthwhile to Listen to the Rebbe
When the Rebbe told Reb Chaim Meir Bukiet that “Kdai hu,” it is worthwhile, to visit his daughter in California, he immediately inferred that there was some deeper purpose. Through a series of amazing circumstances, he discovered how it is always kdai, worthwhile, to heed the Rebbe’s instructions.
Monsey Fathers and Sons Are On the Same Page
A weekly shiur for fathers with Monsey eighth-grade Rebbi, Rabbi Shimon Dubinsky, is more than just to keep up with their son’s learning. It’s about the deep connection that results when a father and son are on the same page and can really talk in learning together.
Live: Project Chana Woman’s Power Hour
Live at 8:30: Today marks Rebbetzin Chana’s Birthday. Tune into her program tonight. With new topics & speakers. Featuring Rabbi Shmuel Bluming on Kashrus for Kids, Rabbi Berel Bell on Women & Davening, and Rabbi Yosef Braun on getting non-Jewish help on Shabbos.
Making Seltzer and Playing Soccer on Shabbos? feature: Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin, Rov of Anash in London, explores interesting Torah questions and halachic dilemmas including making seltzer or playing soccer on Shabbos, depositing a check written on Shabbos, and reading the megillah early for outlying mekuravim.
‘Tishrei Tent’ to Accommodate Thousands of Yud Shevat Guests
A ‘Tishrei style’ tent will go up this Thursday on the service lane outside 770 to accommodate the thousands of guests expected to arrive for Yud Shevat. The initiative is being organized by the gaboim of 770.
Podcast Brings Reb Meilach’s Luscious Tidbits to Light
A unique podcast, “Tidbits from Reb Meilach a”h,” offers a rare opportunity to hear short but powerful excerpts from the farbrengens and shiurim of Reb Meilach Zweibel a”h and to be inspired by his deep insight and chassidishe mesora.
Largest Baba Sali Hiloula in Diaspora Held in Crown Heights
More than 600 men and women filled the Grand Ballroom of Oholei Torah to celebrate the 41st Hiloula of Baba Sali in Crown Heights, making it the largest Hiloula outside of Eretz Yisrael. They were joined by 1100+ viewers online.
Huge Crowd at Heartbreaking Levaya for Rabbi Levi Wolosow
Hundreds came from near and far to escort Rabbi Levi Wolosow, a young father and shliach from Manalapan, NJ, who tragically passed away yesterday in the Poconos.
Anash Designs Gets New Features & Free Shvat Graphics!
Why settle for a generic invite when you can create a professional one in minutes? Anash Design has thousands of Chassidishe templates ready for you to customize – farbrengens, simchas, fundraisers and more with hundreds free!
Tomorrow is the Big Day! Are You Ready?
The countdown is on – and time is running out! Tomorrow marks the final stretch of Oholei Torah’s “Ariber” Auction, and now’s your last chance to join in on the excitement!
5785 Camp Directory Connects Staff with Shlichus Positions
This year’s CKids Camp Directory has officially launched allowing CGI camp directors and counselors to easily connect and plan their summers effectively.