Thursday: 3 Tammuz Farbrengen in Northern Crown Heights

The Lincoln Place Shul in northern Crown Heights will hold a Hakhel farbrengen led by Rabbi Kasriel Kastel, to mark the Rebbe’s yahrzeit on Gimmel Tammuz.

In honor of Gimmel Tammuz, the Lincoln Place Shul and Beis Hamedrash in northern Crown Heights will hold a grand Hakhel farbrengen led by Rabbi Kasriel Kastel, administrator and program director at Lubavitch Youth Organization.

The farbrengen will take place Thursday night, at 1185 Lincoln Place, Brooklyn, NY 11213 at 9:05 PM, with a seudas mitzva catered by Mendy’s caterers and local restaurants.

The Lincoln Place Shul and Beis Hamedrash is a vibrant shul in North Crown Heights led by Rabbi Meyer Shushan, with 3 Tefilos a day and programs for men women and children throughout the year.

For more information or to be informed of future activities, please contact [email protected]

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