Monsey Cheder Talmidim Receive First Siddur

After a year of hard work learning to read and perfecting their kriah, the five year old class at Monsey Cheder Chabad finally received their first Siddur at a grand celebration with family and friends. 

Last Sunday, the Pre1A talmidim of Cheder Chabad Monsey reached a huge milestone, and received their first siddurim. After a year of hard work and determination, the talmidim have B”H learned the fundamentals of kriah and are now fluent in reading.

Rabbi Boruch Lesches, the Rav of the Chabad community in Monsey, joined the auspicious celebration and adressed the students.

“It is our fervent wish that these children continue to bring nachas to their parents and use their new siddurim to daven for many years to come,” the administration wished the crowd.

“Thank you to our phenomenal Rebbies, Rabbi Stefansky, Rabbi Rosenberg and Rabbi Gancz for getting the talmidim to this point,” they said. “We wish them much hatzlacha!”

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