Shoshi Blau, 10, AH

Shoshi Blau, a young Chabad girl from Beitar Illit, passed way on Tuesday after sustaining serious injuries when a Arab truck driver ran her over. 

Shoshi Blau, a young Chabad girl from Beitar Illit, passed way on Tuesday after sustaining serious injuries when a Arab truck driver ran her over. 

She was 10 years old.

Her father is Rabbi Tzvi Blau, one of the heads of the Colel Chabad organization in Eretz Yisroel.

Shoshi was gravely injured after being hit by a truck last week.

According to reports, it was a commercial vehicle driven by an Arab driver who drove recklessly on the road. Medical personnel from Magen David Adom, the rescue service, and United Hatzalah, who arrived at the scene, provided initial treatment to the girl and transferred her to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem for further medical care.

The public was requested to daven for the girl’s recovery, but tragically, on Tuesday, she passed away.

Baruch Dayan Ha’emes

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