4 Murdered in Terrorist Attack in Eli

Four people were murdered and another four injured in a terrorist shooting attack at a gas station near the city of Eli in Binyamin Tuesday afternoon.

At least four people were murdered when a Palestinian terrorist opened fire at a gas station near the city of Eli in Binyamin Tuesday afternoon.

The four remaining victims, one in serious condition, two in moderate condition, and one in light condition, were evacuated in ICU mobile units to hospitals in Jerusalem and Petach Tikvah.

The IDF stated that one or two approached the gas station in a vehicle and opened fire, moderately injuring a security guard. The terrorists then opened fire at a restaurant and struck a further five people.

An armed civilian shot and neutralized the terrorist. However, security forces have not ruled out the possibility that a second shooter escaped the scene and are conducting searches of the area.

Magen David Adom (MDA) EMTs and Paramedics are evacuating two victims in critical condition, including a 20-year-old male to Shaare Tzedek Medical Center and a 38-year-old male to Beilinson Hospital. Four further victims, including three who are unconscious, were treated at the scene.

An alarm was activated in Eli amidst concerns that a second shooter fled the scene. Residents have been advised to remain in their homes until further notice.

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  1. Please say Tehillim for Oren Ben Naama, a relative of mine by marriage, who was wounded in this terror attack. Following surgery, he is in serious but stable condition. Shalom al Yisrael.

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