Mrs. Moussia Schtroks, a prominent figure in the London Lubavitch community and the matriarch of a large Lubavitch family, passed away on 25 Adar 1 5784.
40 Years Since Footnotes Appeared in Lahak Sichos: How it Began
On the 40th anniversary of the first Shabbos farbrengen in Toras Menachem containing footnotes, interviewed Rabbi Yisroel Shimon Kalmenson for the intriguing story of how it all began.
A Cheder Like This Wasn’t Supposed to Succeed
The rapid growth of the community of Kingston, PA, could easily have overloaded even a much larger Cheder. This is the story behind Cheder Menachem of Kingston’s success.
Moshe Laufer Releases New Chabad Album
Listen to the New Album: Thirteen years after his first Chabad album, Moshe Laufer unveils “Chabad 5,” an album packed with stunning musical compositions performed by outstanding musicians and choirs.
Our Communities
L’Chaim: Mayer – Weber
The L’Chaim of Reuvi Mayer of Charlottesville, VA, and Shani Weber of Philadelphia, PA, took place at the Jewish Children’s Museum.
Israeli Government Threatens to Draft Yeshiva Bochurim to Army
In recent days, government officials voiced their demand to draft yeshiva bochurim to the army. On many occasions, the Rebbe explained the flaw in their arguments and why bochurim must continue learning full-time.
War Day 150: PIJ Who Fired Rockets Killed, Shin-Bet Prevents Attack
War Summary, Day One Hundred and Fifty: The IDF says they have evidence that more than 450 UNRWA employees were Hamas and PIJ terrorists, Shin-Bet prevented massive attack and arrested four terrorists who prepared 100 bombs with the guidance of ISIS abroad, the PIJ members who fired rockets towards Hatzerim IDF troops in Central Gaza were spotted and killed thirty minutes after their attack.
Marking 40 Years of Rambam: Siyum Set for Yud Aleph Nissan
In a monumental celebration of Rambam learning and Achdus, the Siyum Horambam of 40 years is scheduled for Yud Alef Nissan outside 770 with the entire Eastern Parkway closed off.
YU Students Conclude “A Shabbos They Will Never Forget”
After a Shabbos packed with davening, learning and farbengens, students gathered for a Melava Malka with a special presentation JEM’s Rabbi Elkana Shmotkin and lively dancing led by the Zusha band.
“My Husband Visits the Ohel Both Times…”
Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka was born in Babinovich, a town near Lubavitch, on 25 Adar in the year 5661 (1901), a regular year with only one Adar. Which month is marked on a leap year?
Family Names Learning Center After Reb Dovid Krasnjanski
In a special event, Yagdil Torah’s Heichal Halimud on President Street was named “Beis Dovid” by the Krasnjanski family in memory of Reb Dovid Krasnjanski AH and his lifelong dedication to limud haTorah.
Ukraine Officials Pledge to Restore Haditch for War’s Success
In merit of the war effort, Ukrainian officials visited Haditch and pledged to restore the damaged 45-kilometer road leading there to ease the journey for all who travel to the Alter Rebbe’s Ohel.
Students Publish Rabbi Wagner’s Purim Chidushim
Ahead of Purim, students of Toronto Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Akiva Wagner AH have released a booklet of Haaros related to Purim including explanations he wrote in his notebook at age 15.
Boys Spend All Free Time Learning, Testing Ba’al Peh
Over the past 5 months, students at Cheder Ohr Menachem can be seen during breaktimes in every corner learning and testing each other in Mishnayos Baal Peh in merit of Yidden in Eretz Yisroel.
Nearly 50 Years Later, Satmar Calls for Mitzva Tank
When a group of Satmar yungeleit landed in Berlin and needed a minyan and sefer Torah, they called Chabad who brought them a Mitzva Tank, like the Rebbe predicted 50 years ago.
L’Chaim: Nachshon – Levy
The L’Chaim of Yossi Nachshon of Dniepr, Ukraine, and Tami Levy of Buenos Aires, Argentina, took place at Rubashkin’s in Crown Heights.
War Day 149: Sderot Schools Reopen, Drones Reach the Galilee
War Summary, Day One Hundred and Forty-Nine: Muhammad Abed Khad, who was responsible for recruiting new Hamas terrorists was eliminated, schools reopened in Sderot today for the first time since before the Simchas Torah attack, and Hezbollah fire continued on Israel’s far north, including two attack drones in the upper Galilee that triggered air-raid sirens as far as Amuka.
Historic University Tanya Printed with 1800s Eagle Press
A historic Tanya printing recently took place at the University of Manchester, where the Tanya’s shaar blatt was hand-crafted on an 1800s Eagle Press and rare Chassidic manuscripts were put on display.
YU Students Tour Rebbe’s Shul, Home, Library
YU students who are in Crown Heights for the annual “Chabad Club @ YU” Shabbaton, were given a tour of 770, the Rebbe’s house, and the Rebbe’s library.
Classmates Meet for the First Time in 10-Day Winter Camp
Shluchim’s children from Russia, Northern and Eastern Europe, and Central Asia, who learn online all year, recently met face-to-face in Moscow for a unique ten-day winter camp.
Young Shluchos Around The World Celebrate Unity Shabbos
This week, over 1000 Young Shluchos gathered for regional Shabbos meetups celebrating the unique gift of being on Shlichus with engaging activities and meaningful farbrengens.
With Great Joy, Tzemach Tzedek’s Manuscript Returned Home
A four-page teshuva of the Tzemach Tzedek in ksav yad kodesh was recently obtained by Netanya Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Moshe Orenshtein and brought with great celebration to the Rebbe’s library.
Confiscating Items from Students
Ask the Rov: May a teacher confiscate an item from a student? Rabbi Chaim Hillel Raskin responds.