Podcast Feeds Timely Chazaros of Reb Yoel Kahn

Reb Yoel Kahn is renowned for his extraordinary understanding of the Rebbe’s teachings, coupled with his clarity and precision in delivering them. Now, more than 150 of Reb Yoel’s chazaros of Shabbos and Yom Tov farbrengens have been made available in podcast form.

More than 150 of Reb Yoel Kahn’s chazaras of Shabbos and Yom Tov farbrengens have been made available in podcast form. Reb Yoel, the chief choizer of the Rebbe, is renowned for his extraordinary understanding of the Rebbe’s teachings, coupled with his clarity and precision in delivering them.

Originally recorded on cassettes, these chazaras have been digitized over time. However, they remained challenging to access due to their unorganized nature. In some cases they also presented various difficulties, necessitating extra efforts by the organizers.

These chazaras hold immense value as they preserve verbal expressions that might otherwise be lost in written form. In a way, listening to these recordings is the closest one can get to hearing these unique – unrecorded – farbrengens from the Rebbe himself. Additionally, details and nuances missing from the hanacha can often be found within these chazaras, making these a valuable supplement to learning from the seforim.

Listeners can now easily access these invaluable recordings on Spotify and other major podcast platforms. Simply searching for them brings the wisdom of Reb Yoel’s chazaras right to the listener’s device, making it convenient for anyone, anywhere in the world, to learn at home or on-the-go.

The organizers encourage anyone with additional chazaras or comments to send them to [email protected].

Stay tuned for more updates as we hope to add all the missing farbrengens.

Link to all chazaras.

Not sure where to start? There are Shavuos chazaras from 5741574257445745 and 5746.


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