Was Kabolas HaTorah Halachically Binding?

In this shiur, Rabbi Nachman Wilhelm explores the halachic question of how the statement of “Naase Venishma” could have been legally binding according to Halacha when they didn’t even know what they were accepting.

In this shiur, Rabbi Nachman Wilhelm of Machon Lehoraa Online Smicha, giving an insight into the upcoming Yom Tov of Shavuos and the statement of Naase Venishma. Was it legally binding according to Halacha when they didn’t even know what they were accepting? What are its actual ramifications in Halacha?


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The Shiur was given as part of choshen mishpat courses offered by Online Smicha. For more information visit onlinesmicha.com or email [email protected]

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