Mrs. Adaya Vaya, 45, AH

Mrs. Adaya Vaya, who moved with her family from Bogota, Colombia, to Kiryat Chabad in Tzfas, Eretz Yisroel, passed away after a short illness.

Mrs. Adaya Vaya, who moved with her family from Bogota, Colombia, to Kiryat Chabad in Tzfas, Eretz Yisroel, passed away after a short illness.

She was 45 years old.

She was a humble and caring person. She was dedicated to her family and was an example of true and genuine kindness. With a warm and gentle touch, she made those around her feel loved and supported. Her kindness, compassion and ability to be there for others extended far beyond her family, making a positive impact on her community.

She leaves behind her husband and 8 children, the youngest of whom is 4 years old

A group of friends have taken the initiative and have launched a campaign to support her family.

Click here to donate.

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