
The Rebbe’s English Letters on Shavuos

This week’s issue of Rebbe Responsa contains a collection of letters on Shavuos themes, from the narrative of Matan Torah to the traditional Shavuos bracha, from the inner purpose of mitzvos to the role of the Jewish Woman, and more.


Experienced Shluchos to Address New Shluchos Training Seminar

A two-day seminar for new and aspiring Shluchos will take place in Crown Heights on 4-5 Tammuz. Organized by the New Shluchim Desk at Merkos 302, the summit will feature a wide range of speakers on a variety of topics to help prepare for their life mission.


Community Signs Joint Pan to the Rebbe

The Anash community in Nachlas Har Chabad joined their rov, Harav Yehuda Yeruslavsky, in signing a pann to the Rebbe asking for achdus, bracha, and hatzlacha for each one of them.


Free Tikun Leil Shavuos for Download

Minhag Chabad is to spend the night of Shavuos reading selected portions from the Torah, known as Tikun Leil Shavuos. Read about the history of the minhag and download a printable file.


Mrs. Adaya Vaya, 45, AH

Mrs. Adaya Vaya, who moved with her family from Bogota, Colombia, to Kiryat Chabad in Tzfas, Eretz Yisroel, passed away after a short illness.


You Can Recruit Another Kid Into Gan Yisroel

In the 1950’s, the Rebbe set the tone for every Yid being a Shliach of Hashem. Who brought students to Jewish schools and camps? You and I. The members of Anash communities who took to the Rebbe’s call to bring every Jewish child into a Jewish education.


Kashrus Dairy Do’s and Don’ts

Is it true that products labeled “Non-Dairy” can have actual dairy ingredients in them? What is the difference between OU-D and OU-DE? With Shavuos coming up, ‘Kashrus Be In the Know’ provides answers to these questions and more.


Rabbi Lazar Publishes First Sefer of Torah Shiurim

A new sefer by Chief Rabbi of Russia, Rabbi Berel Lazar, titled “Shlach Lachmecha,” contains shiurim, drashos, and explanations on Torah delivered over decades at the Marina Roscha shul and Tomchei Tmimim of Moscow


Ois B’Sefer Torah Ramps Up Efforts with New Publication

On Erev Shavuos 5741, the Rebbe instructed Chassidim to put everything aside and take to the streets to sign up children in the Sefer Torah. Later that day, the Israeli Air Force successfully carried out a miraculous mission by bombing the Iraqi nuclear plant.


Podcast Feeds Timely Chazaros of Reb Yoel Kahn

Reb Yoel Kahn is renowned for his extraordinary understanding of the Rebbe‘s teachings, coupled with his clarity and precision in delivering them. Now, more than 150 of Reb Yoel’s chazaros of Shabbos and Yom Tov farbrengens have been made available in podcast form.


Was Kabolas HaTorah Halachically Binding?

In this shiur, Rabbi Nachman Wilhelm explores the halachic question of how the statement of “Naase Venishma” could have been legally binding according to Halacha when they didn’t even know what they were accepting.


Shavuos Packages Sponsored by Family of Russian Hostage

Moscow’s Yom Tov food packages, including chicken, meat, wine, fish, fruit and vegetables, and dairy products in honor of Shavuos, are being sponsored by the family of Alexander Tropanov who is currently being held hostage in Gaza.


War Day 247: Journalist Held Hostage in Home, Army Winning in Gaza

War Summary, Day Two Hundred and Forty Seven: Al-Jazeera contributor held hostages in his home, IDF says army is winning in Gaza, 900 trucks of aid still waiting for UN organizations in Gaza, Hezbollah continues with escalated attacks, and a large number of Houthi attacks at sea.

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