Community Signs Joint Pan to the Rebbe

The Anash community in Nachlas Har Chabad joined their rov, Harav Yehuda Yeruslavsky, in signing a pann to the Rebbe asking for achdus, bracha, and hatzlacha for each one of them.

On Erev Yom Tov, the Nachla community came together in a powerful display of achdus. Thousands of men, women, and children joined the Mara D’Asra Harav Yehuda Yaroslavsky in signing a pann to the Rebbe in honor of Shavuos, the Yom Tov of Kabolas HaTorah.

Rabbi Yaroslavsky included in the pann all the residents of the neighborhood, along with a heartfelt plea for all Yidden. He davened for health, wealth, children, shidduchim for those who need them, the safe return of all hostages, and brachos and hatzlacha for each and every person in all their endeavors. He expressed the hope that we should all be zoche to the Geulah Shleimah speedily in our days.

Photo credit: Rabbi Eliyahu Ezagui


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