The Rebbe Doesn’t Fail, He Plants Seeds!

In 5736, the Rebbe sent a group of shluchim to Cincinnati to open a yeshiva. That Yeshiva didn’t last long and to most people it looked like a failed endeavor. Yet, now we see that the Rebbe doesn’t fail, he is planting seeds of growth!


Day-to-Day Guide for Purim 5785

Read and Download: Harav Yosef Braun of the Crown Heights Beis Din released Day-to-Day Halacha Guide for Purim 5785, including laws of intoxication, Megilla mess-ups, and more.


‘Tzvi’s Tefillin’ to Bedeck Stands Across the Emirates

Avi Batito was thinking to honor the memory of his rabbi, Zvi Kogan, with a Torah, but shluchim had a better idea: 60 tefillin stands across the UAE. On Sunday, the campaign was launched as 60 men simultaneously put on the tefillin, before they were sent to their stations for all to use.


Morristown Mosdos Unite for Joint Siyum Harambam

An overflow crowd filled the Berger Auditorium to celebrate the 44th Siyum Harambam. Shluchim, Anash, and bochurim from Tomchei Temimim and Tiferes Bochurim gathered to take part in the special program, featuring representatives from the different institutions.


How a Soldier’s ‘Dvar Malchus’ Reached a Hamas Tunnel

When IDF officer Yoel Elbaz left a Dvar Malchus booklet in Gaza, he had no idea that it would be picked up by Hamas operatives and given to a hostage in underground tunnels. Indeed, for Omer Shem Tov, the booklet was a source of strength, as he read it again and again.


Pores Mapa U’Mekadesh: Do You Know How to Do It?

With Purim on Friday, many would like to begin the seuda before Shabbos and continue after nightfall with Kiddush. In a thorough shiur, Harav Chaim Hillel Raskin, Rosh Kollel of Kollel L’Rabbonei Chabad, presents the background and source material for this practice and practical guidance.


War Day 516: Ceasefire Holds, Trump Reiterates Ultimatum to Hamas

War Summary, Day 516: Ceasefire continues to hold, Hamas refuses to disarm, Trump calls for release of all hostages or the end of Gaza, new IDF Chief of Staff sworn in is focusing on victory, Rumors: Trump may endorse annexation in Judea & Samaria, Houthis chant for world war, U.S. Generals call for support of Israeli attack on Iran, and U.S. Treasury Secretary impressed with strength and resilience of Israeli economy.


R’ Mordechai Dovber Pupko, AH

Rabbi Mordechai Dovber Pupko, a descendant of the Mitteler Rebbe who led Bais Torah Damesek Eliezer “Pupko Shul” in Flatbush that houses a Torah that belonged to the Mitteler Rebbe, passed away.


The Subtle Art of Interrogating a Liar

In this week’s Choshen Mishpat Renaissance podcast, Rabbi Berel Polityko discusses the laws of returning objects found in public places, what to do with objects that can’t be returned, and how to deal with a suspected liar.


Children Hold Their Own Siyum Horambam in Kingston, PA

Two hundred parents and children assembled at the Bais Moshe Shul in Kingston, PA on Motzei Shabbos to celebrate the siyum Sefer Hamitzvos. At a fleishig melava malka and seudas mitzvah, boys were honored with completing and beginning the Sefer Hamitzvos.


The Rebbe Pushed Us to Go Beyond Our Limits

Over 18 years, we worked hard, and Boruch Hashem the Yeshiva reached a position of stability and success. We had a full registration, owned 6 buildings without a mortgage, and had no debt. I thought that I reached “cruising altitude”, until I saw this letter of the Rebbe.


War Day 515: Israel and US Bombing Exercises, Hamas Jenin Head Eliminated

War Summary, Day 515: Israel says it would agree to second phase but Hamas refuses to disarm, Egypt holds Arab emergency summit, Israel says encouraging relocation,  IDF operation in Shomron eliminates Hamas head in Jenin, US unfreezes $95 million for Lebanese Armed Forces to fight Hezbollah, ran taps Russia to negotiate nuclear deal with US, and Israel and US Air Forces carry out mass bombing exercises today.


Midnight Drinking and Neggel Vasser? feature: Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin, Rov of Anash in London, explores interesting Torah questions and halachic dilemmas including hearing megilah with a hearing-aid, midnight drinking and neggel vasser, and possuk/pesukim in shmoneh esrei for the name Dovber.


Central Siyum HaRambam Attended by Thousands

The Siyum HaRambam HaOlami on the forty-fourth cycle was celebrated with great splendor this past Sunday, 2 Adar, at the spacious and prestigious Union Bedford Armory in Brooklyn, New York, with thousands of men, women, and children in attendance. Full Report


Live: Project Chana Woman’s Power Hour

Live at 8:30 PM: Project Chana Woman’s Power Hour featuring Rabbi Nissan Zibell with ‘The Kosher Consumer’s Practical Shopper’s Guide,’ Rabbi Yosef Braun on non-Jewish help on Shabbos, and Rabbi Berel Bell on Birchos Hanehenin.


Brunoy Bochurim Learn Sichos in Memory of Rabbi Levi Wolosow

Bochurim in Brunoy Zal held a special Seder Sichos in honor of their friend’s father, Rabbi Levi Wolosow a”h. This initiative joins a special mivtza encouraging bochurim to learn Chitas and Rambam properly, something Rabbi Wolosov had a special koch in.


Spirited ‘Shoshanas Yaakov’ to Dancing Chassidic Figures

As Purim approaches, a new rendition of the classic piyut ‘Shoshanas Yaakov’ was performed by singer Ariel Zilber, with animations of artwork by legendary Chabad artist, Reb Baruch Nachshon, whose iconic Chassidic figures are brought to life, dancing in the joyous spirit of Purim.

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