32 finalists from Oholei Menachem, Lubavitcher Yeshiva, Cheder Chabad Monsey, Cheder Lubavitch Morristown and Queens Yeshiva competed in a Chidon testing them on their knowledge of Kitzur Shulchan Aruch.
Avraham Fried Performs at Boro Park Parade
Thousands of children gathered on 13th Ave. in Boro Park for a parade, kinus and Lag B’omer celebration featuring Avraham Fried, Yiddish Nachas, and special entertainment.
L’Chaim: Brand – Halperin
The L’Chaimf of Asher Zellig Brand of Netivot, EY and Mushki Halperin of Buenos Aires, Argentina took place Monday night at Rubashkin.
Tefillin-Shaped Chabad House Inaugurated in Suburban Moscow
A new Jewish Community Center shaped like a box of Tefillin was recently dedicated in Moscow’s large suburban district. During the evening, Rabbi Berel Lazar gave Jewish names to two men who were circumcised that day.
Virgin Islands Shliach Makes First Visit Home After Shlucha’s Passing
After having been away from his makom hashlichus for almost 6 months following the passing of his wife Henya Federman a”h, shliach Rabbi Asher Federman returns to the Virgin Islands and shares his emotions.
Our Communities
Listen: Acapella Melody of Popular Shavuos Songs
After feedback from last year’s video, a new vocals-only version of the medley, “Kabolas HaTorah” by Yaakov Shlomo Gross, with the Malchut Choir has been released to help prepare for Shavuos. The medley includes joyful Shavuos melodies and songs of Kabolas HaTorah and Mesikos HaTorah.
Men’s Group at Living Chassidus Fosters Community and Support
Living Chassidus is an organization dedicated to providing support and guidance for single and newly married men and women who come to Crown Heights. They have recently opened a new Men’s division to cater to their specific needs.
Lubavitch Mesivta Chicago: Maximizing the Potential of Every Student
Year after year, Yeshivas Ohr Eliyahu Lubavitch Mesivta of Chicago sets the standard as a mesivta that fine-tunes phenomenal Torah education. Help them raise $500,000.
Memories of Rabbi Wagner Shared at Emotional 8-Hour Farbrengen
A virtual farbrengen marking the end of shiva for Rabbi Akiva Wagner a”h, hosted by Anash.org, continued until 4:00 AM, with family members, students and alumni sharing memories and stories.
The Shliach Who Served as Av Beis Din of Melbourne
25 Iyar marks the yahrtzeit of Rabbi Sholom Ber Gutnick, a gifted scholar, halachic authority, orator, and administrator, who served as rosh yeshiva and av beis din in Melbourne. A special sale is being held to mark the yahrzeit.
Shluchim Hold Siyum at the Rambam’s House in Morocco
While in Morocco for a regional Kinus Hashluchim, tens of shluchim gathered at the home where the Rambam lived in Fez, Morocco, and held a Siyum Harambam.
Tel Aviv Roads Were Blocked Again, But This Time With Love
After weeks of protests in Tel Aviv, the city’s roads were blocked again this past week, but this time it was blocked by 17,000 children taking part in Chabad’s 22 Lag B’omer parades throughout the city.
Alumni to Match Next $125k for Wagner Campaign
A group of generous alumni of Rabbi Akiva Wagner have banded together and for the next 24 hours will be matching funds dollar for dollar up to $125,000.00 for the campaign to support the Wagner family.
Highly Anticipated Hakhel Novel Now Available
An interview with the authors celebrating the release of the Last Act novel, a fictional Hakhel journey that spans past, present, and future published by The Moshiach Office at Merkos 302.
New Jersey Shluchim Families Join Annual Fun Day
Nearly 300 young shluchim of all ages from across New Jersey came together with their parents for a Hakhel Family Fun Day, with special activities, a rally, and a delicious BBQ and dinner.
Chabad Early Childhood Launches Group Coaching Sessions
Chabad Early Childhood of the Shluchim Office launches group coaching sessions for new preschool directors on Shlichus to learn, network and grow into this leadership role.
Levaya of London Chossid Takes Place in New York
The levaya of Rabbi Yona Pruss, a respected member of the Chabad community in London, England, passed by 770 in New York on Monday, en route to kevura in Old Montefiore Cemetery.
25th Yahrzeit of Legendary Shliach Marked in Tzfas
Dozens of anash and bochurim marked the 25th yahrzeit of legendary Tzfas Shliach Rabbi Leibel Kaplan at his kever, and later with the dedication of a new hall in memory of the Rebbe’s brother.
Three Florida Schools Unite For Lag Baomer Parade
In the spirit of Hakhel, a Grand Lag Baomer Rally and Parade was held at the Cheder Chabad campus in Florida, bringing together Cheder Chabad, Lanaar Elementary School, and Pardes Day School, with over 600 participants.
L’Chaim: Wagner – Spalter
The L’Chaim of Chaim Wagner of Johannesburg, South Africa, and Devorah Leah Spalter of Crown Heights took place Sunday night at JCM.
Live: Farbrengen to Mark End of Shiva of Rabbi Wagner
Join Live at 7:30 PM ET: A virtual farbrengen will mark the end of shiva of beloved Toronto Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Akiva Wagner a”h, with family, students, and alumni joining to share memories.
Crown Heights Family Dealing with Mental Health Crisis
A family from Crown Heights is in need of your support as they deal with a severe mental health crisis as two members of the family require urgent psychiatric care, not covered by medical insurance.
Yeshivas Kayitz Panama Opening for Its Third Summer
The Yeshivas Kayitz Panama summer program is opening for its third summer this year, led by Rabbi Yair Cohen of the Beis Menachem Youth Development Program.
Sixty Men Tested on Semicha by Monsey Rov
Over sixty men participated in exam given by Rabbi Gedalia Oberlander, rav of the Chabad shul and community “Heichal Menachem” in Monsey for the Lemaan Yilmedu semicha program.
Detroit Unites for Lag B’omer Celebration
Families in the Detroit area gathered to celebrate Lag Ba’omer with a day of festivities with a wide range of activities and attractions for children and adults alike.