Avraham Fried Performs at Boro Park Parade

Thousands of children gathered on 13th Ave. in Boro Park for a parade, kinus and Lag B’omer celebration featuring Avraham Fried, Yiddish Nachas, and special entertainment.

By Anash.org reporter

Thousands of children marched through the streets of Boro Park, their Yiddishe pride on full display as they celebrated Lag B’omer. Accompanied by live music and dancing bochurim in colorful clown suits, the crowd marched down 13th Ave for a couple of blocks which were closed for the occasion.

Participants then took their seats and enjoyed a rally and kinus led by shliach Rabbi Aron Ginsberg. Children were called up to lead the crowd in reciting each of the Twelve Pesukim.

The event featured singer Avraham Fried, a brand new Yeedele puppet show, a special guest ventriloquist, and world-renowned children’s maggid, R’ Leibish Lish.

The annual kinus of Yiddishe kinderlach of Boro Park has become a highlight of the year, and this year’s event was even bigger and better!

“Our children need this,” said Rabbi Aron Ginsberg, the organizer of the event. “They need to feel proud and happy in their Yiddishkeit, and nothing gives it to them more than a gathering like this.”


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