Musical Interlude

When Shmuel Katan came to spend Simchas Torah with the Rebbe, chassidim urged him to play his violin while the Rebbe distributed Kos Shel Bracha. To his surprise, the Rebbe offered three pointers on his technique.

The Kidnapped Chosson

Melava Malka story: When a generous man saved a chosson on his wedding day, Reb Levi Yitzchok of Berditchev promised him great reward.

Two Heroes, One Home

When Shloime Zionce sat down with Rabbi Yitzi and Dina Hurwitz, he unwrapped a story of unmatched faith and strength.

Unpacking On The Battlefield

While Rabbi Shimon Bekerman was serving on the front lines during the Yom Kippur War, he was also serving as the Rebbe’s shliach as well.

From Rags to Riches

Here’s My Story: When Mr. Ami Pykovski decided to close his clothing store on the most profitable day of the week, he didn’t know how he’d be able to survive.

Reunited with “The Zeide”

Here’s My Story: Reb Moshe Vishedsky was considering requesting exit visas for only part of his family, until he got a letter from the Rebbe.

Remembering the Pan

The Frierdiker Rebbe was concerned why he hadn’t yet received a pan from a particular chossid.

The Missing Man

Melava Malka Story: Reb Yaakov and Reb Moshe spent their days deep in Torah study. Both had married into affluent families, and both possessed the tenacity to bury their heads in their books for hours on end.

Don’t Wait to Feel It

Here’s My Story: Rabbi Chaim Shneur Nisenbaum learned from the Rebbe that what matters most is action, even when he doesn’t feel like it.

Fear of Below

The Rebbe Rashab once lived above an evil neighbor. But he had another fear.

The Disappearing Pain

Rebbetzin Rivkah assisted the sick and needy in the town of Lubavitch, earning her the title “Mother of Lubavitch.” Once someone deceived her, and she was delighted.

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