Young Shluchos from around the world arrived in New York for the Chidon girls’ retreat with a special program coordinated by MyShliach.
The young Shluchim and Shluchos of the global Yaldei Hashluchim community are rewarded for their hours of dedicated Sefer Hamitzvos study with four fun-filled trips. For Boys and Girls in Europe and America, many of whom live in remote locations, the trip is an opportunity to connect with fellow Yaldei Hashluchim and celebrate their acquired Torah knowledge.
Over 550 Yaldei Hashluchim participated in the renowned Chidon Sefer Hamitzvos program this year, a project of Tzivos Hashem and facilitated for Yaldei Hashluchim by MyShliach at Merkos 302. An impressive rate of participants passed the tests, earning the right to attend a 2-day retreat.
“Learning Torah with such dedication from a young age deserves to be celebrated,” says Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky, Executive Director of Merkos 302. “We hope the time spent with their pairs and comprehensive knowledge gained through the program empowers the young Shluchim to continue their unique Shlichusin with success and joy.”
The American young Shluchos retreat concluded Thursday night at the ohel, with the American boys’ trip scheduled for next week, and the European contingencies’ trip scheduled for after Pesach in Paris.
Participants study the Rambams’ Sefer Hamitzvos in-depth, from child-friendly textbooks, throughout the year. As part of their holistic programming model, MyShliach offers weekly Zoom classes covering the syllabus, which were attended by half of the participants. Others opted for independent study, but all the Yaldei Hashluchim invested hours of their personal time into studying Torah.
To celebrate their efforts, nearly 100 young Shluchos were privy to a whirlwind 2-day program. With back-to-back trips, including an amusement park, the American Dream mall, an indoor Xtreme park, and a unique tambourine-making workshop with The Duct Tape Lady. The retreat culminated with a meaningful visit to the Ohel, where participants had the opportunity to share with The Rebbe their accomplishments.
Directed and Organized by Mushka Bluming and her team of counselors, the trip built upon the success of previous years, ensuring participants leave with more motivation to continue their studies and stay in touch with other members of the Yaldei Hashluchim community. While the Chidon program comes to an end for the year, countless other MyShliach programs are still available to participate in from even the most remote Makom Hashlichus.
“The retreat ensures the community of young Shluchim don’t feel left out,” says Rabbi Mendy Shanowitz, director of MyShliach at Merkos 302. “For Yaldei Hashluchim, there are limited opportunities to meet with their peers, so the retreat fills an important role in their feeling a sense of community.”
The MyShliach Chidon Girls Retreat was made possible by:
Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, Vice Chairman of Merkos and Chairman of MyShliach.
Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky, Executive Director of Merkos 302
Rabbi Mendy Shanowitz, Director of MyShliach at Merkos 302
MyShliach Chidon Coordinator, Rabbi Moishy Shapiro
And the untiring efforts and dedication of the MyShliach Chidon Staff:
On-Site Directors
Mushkale Kesselman
Pnina Bendet
General Management:
Nechama Greisman
Head Counselor:
Riki Lerman
Menucha Sandhaus
Chana Liba Gershovitz
Menucha Mangel
Shaina Touby
Sima Wilhelm
Tzivia Gurary
Deborah Leah Meizlish
Mushky Ganz
Rochele Baumgarten
Sara Reiter
Bracha Zelda Zellermaier
Faigel Gurevitz
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