An Hour Each Week Led Me to My Jewish Family

When Rabbi Avrohom Winner helped a couple put up mezuzos, he was amazed to see the husband’s cherished photo of the aliya he had merited to have by the Rebbe on the occasion of his bar mitzvah.

A Match Made in Mockery

Melave Malka Story: After continually rejecting a shidduch with the daughter of a simple Yid, a town rav showed up by the Baal Shem Tov to ask advice on the match for his son. What caused the sudden change of heart?

The Man Who Knew How to Ask

Here’s My Story: Rabbi Sholom Nemtzov relates a story about his grandfather Rabbi Avraham Sender Nemtzov and two critical requests he made.

The Chassid Who Evaded Arrest

Melave malka story: When a letter containing evidence of Reb Baruch’s endeavors ended up behind bars, it kept him from going to prison himself.

Appealing to the Top

Rabbi Efraim Schmuckler asked for a blessing that his uncle succeed in leaving Soviet Russia. The Rebbe gave him a blessing, but made it conditional on him keeping it secret.

For the Sake of Heaven

Here’s My Story: When Rabbi Sidney Shulman questioned the Rebbe’s instructions on grounds of halacha, the Rebbe answered him in detail.

The Vanishing Flame

Melava malka story: When Reb Baruch of Mezhibuz’s menorah’s flame disappeared, his chassidim were shocked to discover where it had gone.

Gold Coins, Silver Coins

Melava malka story: “Why do you still suspect me of stealing your silver coins when I did not touch your gold?”

Is Hillel Evil?

Melava Malka Story: No one understand Reb Zushe’s strange play on the holy words of Tehillim – except for his host.

The Yeshiva That Was Built in a Day

Preserved part of the house at 57 Żelazna Street in Warsaw, home to the Yitzchak Meir Alter shul.
Preserved part of the house at 57 Żelazna Street in Warsaw, home to the Yitzchak Meir Alter shul.

Melava malka story: When the first Gerer Rebbe expressed a seemingly impractical wish, one man decided to make it happen.

The Inner Meaning of a Bracha

Here’s My Story: During a yechidus with the Rebbe for his birthday, the Rebbe instructed Rabbi Simcha Piekarski to share with the campers a lesson that would instill yiras shamayim. When unsure what he would say, the Rebbe gave him the lesson to give over.

The Glory of Tomchei Temimim

Here’s my Story: Rabbi Shneur Zalman Gafne, was concerned that with all the time he dedicates to teaching he was no longer able to daven at length.

The Secret Slip of Parchment

Melava Malka story: A couple was tragically separated from their infant son. Nineteen years later, a miraculous turn reunited them.

An All Purpose Cure

As a child, Baruch Wilhelm suffered damage to his ears, and requested the Rebbe’s blessing to regain his hearing. Instead, he received a deep and impactful lesson to apply throughout his life.

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