
Mitzvah Tank Parade in Melbourne was a Miracle

Mesivta bochurim in Melbourne Yehuda Ruschinek, Schneur Reicher, Berel Wolf, and Yoav Cooper set out to arrange a grand Mitzva Tank parade. But with no vehicles available, they were ready to give up, until they asked the Rebbe for a bracha.


Baby Boy
י״ז ניסן ה׳תשפ״ד - April 25, 2024

Live Global Farbrengen to Mark 28 Nissan

On the eve of 28 Nissan, 2784, a unique event will bring together Chassidim from around the world for a live-streamed farbrengen commemorating the 33rd anniversary of a pivotal moment in our generation.


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Today: Kinus Torah in Crown Heights

A Kinus Torah will take place today in the Crown Heights Kolel featuring Rabbi Kuti Feldman, Rabbi Dovid Dubov, and Rabbi Meir Eliyahu Teitelbaum, followed by a farbrengen in honor of the birthday of Harav Levi Yitzchok, the Rebbe’s father.


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Picture of the Day

Rabbi Avrohom Stone, senior rabbinic field representative at the OU, enjoyed Pesach at Chabad of Ft. Myers after his flight was diverted from Miami where his family awaited him.


War Day 201: Hamas Release Hostage Video, Prepare Rafah Evacuation

War Summary, Day Two Hundred and One: Today Hamas published a cruel propaganda video of Israeli-American hostage 23-year-old Hersh Goldberg-Polin, the IDF has conducted all necessary preparations for an offensive in Rafah, and Maj. Gen. Aharon Haliva, the head of the Military Intelligence Directorate, has decided to resign over his role in the failures that led to Hamas’s October 7th onslaught.


Live: Birkas Kohanim at the Kosel

Live from the Kosel: The traditional Birkas Kohanim ceremony will take place on Thursday morning, including a prayer for the return of the hostages, the well-being of the soldiers and security forces, the healing of the wounded, and peace for Yidden everywhere.


No Empty Chairs for Hostages at Chengdu Seder Table

Ahead of Pesach, a suggestion was circulated to leave an empty chair at the seder table to remember the hostages in Gaza. Following the Rebbe’s response to a similar idea, Rabbi Dovi Henig came up with a unique solution.


Watch: The Seder with the Rebbe

At a shiur at the Beinoni Shtiebel in Crown Heights, Rabbi Nochum Kaplan shared his firsthand account of what the Seder by the Rebbe was like, including many interesting details on the Rebbe’s minhagim and practices.


Moscow All Ready to Welcome Yom Tov with Joy

Residents of Moscow, Russia, finished all their preparations for the Yom Tov of Pesach by selling and burning their chometz and distributing “Kimcha DePischa” food packages at the Marina Roscha shul.


Rabbi Bluming Sells Chometz in Crown Heights

Photos: Shalom Ross/

Rabbi Shmuel Bluming, along with Rabbi Levi Garelik of Crown Heights and Rabbi Mendel Bluming of Pomona, NY, sells chometz belonging to Anash and shluchim in New York and beyond.


Anash in Ramat Shlomo Burn the Chometz

Photos: Dovber Hechtman

Anash in the Chabad community of Ramat Shlomo in Yerushalayim under the leadership of Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Havlin burned their chometz in preparation for Pesach.


Crown Heights Residents Burn Their Chometz

Photos: Shalom Ross/

Anash and bochurim hurried on Erev Pesach morning to fulfill the mitzva of biur chometz in a large trash container set up in front of 770 Eastern Parkway.


770 Shul Scrubbed, Prepared for Pesach

Photos: Mendy Eisenshtein

With high traffic and year-round build-up, the main shul at 770 underwent thorough scrubbing and shining ahead of Pesach. New siddurim will also welcome mispalelim on Pesach night.

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