Today: Kinus Torah in Crown Heights

A Kinus Torah will take place today in the Crown Heights Kolel featuring Rabbi Kuti Feldman, Rabbi Dovid Dubov, and Rabbi Meir Eliyahu Teitelbaum, followed by a farbrengen in honor of the birthday of Harav Levi Yitzchok, the Rebbe’s father.

A Kinus Torah will take place today in the Crown Heights Kolel, followed by a farbrengen in honor of the Rebbe’s father’s birthday.

Speakers will include:

Rabbi Kuti Feldman, maggid shiur in the 770 yeshiva and mashpia in Oholei Torah zal.

Rabbi Meir Eliyahu Teitelbaum, rav of Chernobyl chassidim in Boro Park and author of commentary on the Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch.

Rabbi Dovid Dubov, shliach in Princeton NJ and author of Yalkut Levi Yitzchok Al HaTorah.

The Kinus Torah will take place at the Kolel – 1483 Union Street.

7:15 PM – Mincha
followed by Kinus Torah
8:30 PM – Maariv
Followed by a farbrengen in honor of the birthday of Harav Levi Yitzchok Schneerson, the Rebbe’s father.

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