Dynamic Shliach Leaves Clearwater Inspired

One month ahead of the 30th Hilula of Gimmel Tammuz, Chabad of Clearwater and Chabad of Pinellas County held a special event to mark the occasion led by dynamic shliach Rabbi Pinny Andrusier.


Montrealers Gather for Central Kinus Torah

Following the Rebbe’s directive to hold a Kinus Torah after Yom Tov, Anash and bochurim in Montreal gathered at the Yagdil Torah center for a wide array of shiurim on interesting topics.


War Day 254: Day of Mourning in Israel, Warning of Hezbollah War

War Summary, Day Two Hundred and Fifty Four: Day of mourning in Israel, as the names of 10 soldiers were released today of the twelve killed since Shabbos, IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari gave a long statement in English addressing Hezbollah’s attacks on Israel, and warning of what is to come, and Israel announced a daily tactical pause to enable aid delivery to Gaza.


Chumash, Gemara Champs Reach Great Heights

Set to tackle some of the most pressing concerns weighing upon our Chinuch system, the Chumash and Gemara champ program at the Monsey Cheder has far-reaching aims. Last week, 60 talmidim earned a special trip for their learning.


Baby Girl
י׳ סיון ה׳תשפ״ד - June 16, 2024

Live: Worldwide Kolelim to Host Global Kinus Torah

Join Live on Sunday at 1:30 PM: Kollel L’Rabbonei Chabad and Kollel Dach will be presenting a Kinus Torah, addressed by Kollel members Rabbi Dovie Kivman, on tevila for a “pumpkin mug,” and Rabbi Yaakov Shallman and Rabbi Shneur Zalman Lipskier on Daas. 


Baby Boy
י׳ סיון ה׳תשפ״ד - June 16, 2024

War Day 253: Mass Tragedy Kills 8 in Rafah, Fire in the South

Hamas launched rockets from the humanitarian area in Central Gaza, towards Israeli civilians. Three fell short into Gaza.

War Summary, Day Two Hundred and Fifty Three: A group of eight soldiers in a vehicle heading back from a successful mission in Rafah were killed, Hamas and the PIJ launched rockets at Israeli civilian communities near the Gaza border three times today with one rocket landing in an open area near Kissufim causing a fire, and Reports that IDF intelligence monitoring systems were down the night leading up to October 7th.


He Didn’t Realize That the Czar was Deposed

Reb Dovid Kievman “Horodoker” was known amongst chassidim for being completely absorbed in Torah and oblivious to his surroundings, and Reb Itche Masmid said he wasn’t as mufshat as Reb Dovid…


770’s Kinus Torah Gets a Start on Isru Chag

Ahead of the main Kinus Torah at 770 on Sunday, a start was held on Isru Chag, with a shiur by Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin of London on giving an electronic card to a non-Jew to open the door for you on Shabbos.


Baby Boy
ח׳ סיון ה׳תשפ״ד - June 14, 2024

Picture of the Day

The matzeiva for Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, Vice Chairman of Merkos and shliach to the world, was installed today. Notably, it makes no mention of his vast accomplishments, but simply that he aspired to fulfill the Rebbe’s will.


Why Are You Smiling?

The Rebbe saw a direct correlation between gashmiyus and ruchniyus. When R’ Simcha Werner looked surprised that learning more Chassidus would help his mother’s health, the Rebbe made the connection clear.


Traditional Feast Held at Kever of Dovid Hamelech

As every year, on the day after Shavuos, a Hilula feast and farbrengen were held near the kever of Dovid Hamelech in the Old City of Yerushalayim, by the Colel Chabad Worldwide Tehillim group established by the Frierdiker Rebbe.

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