Purim Prep 101: Toiveling, Challah, and Egg FAQs

Deena Englard via frocksinstock.com

In this special Purim episode, Rabbi Berel Polityko explores some common questions: Whether to toivel dishes intended for mishloach manos, the halachos of hafrashas challah, and what to do when blood spots are found in eggs.


Long Island Shliach Publishes Book on Purpose

A new book by Long Island shliach, Rabbi Tuvia Teldon, titled “Your Unique Purpose,” stems from Rabbi Teldon’s personal journey following the passing of his son in 5751. The book, which is based on authentic Chassidus, is published by Kehos and will be available after Pesach.


New Purim Audio For Children Released 

Rabbi Zalman Phillips, director of Jewish Bedtime Stories, has released an exciting new two-part Purim audio series, titled “Purim: Did You Know?” A Yiddish version has also been made available.


Forced Conscriptions Leave Jews Trapped in Ukraine’s War Zone

For young Jewish men in Ukraine, it is terrifying to step outside. Soldiers roam the streets to conscript by force any male between 18 and 60, sending them to the front lines. As the war intensifies and US help declines, the inscriptions are becoming all the more dangerous.


War Day 522: New Hostage Deal on Table, Houthis Renew Blockade

War Summary, Day 522: Witkoff now in Qatar for negotiations, new deal on table for 10 hostages to come home in exchange for 60 days and many terrorists, possible push for some hostages this Shabbos, special operations in Qabatiya and Jenin, senior terrorists captured in Judea and Samaria, airstrikes and targeted elimination in Lebanon, negotiations beginning in Lebanon including over longtime border dispute, Houthis announce renewed blockade of Israeli-tied ships, Iran won’t negotiate, and IDF confirms airstrikes in Syria against new regime.


Live: Simcha Through the Lens of Chassidus

Live at 9 pm ET: Kollel L’lomdei Dach invites the Anash community to a special shiur by Reb Yosef Klyne, mashpia in Nyack and maggid shiur at Kollel L’lomdei Dach, on the topic of “Simcha Through the Lens of Chassidus.”


Inspired by Yeshivas Erev, Boy Created His Own Online Cheder

Levi Yosef Wagner (10) of Krefeld, Germany, learned in Yeshivas Erev about teaching others, and he decided to create his own online Cheder for children ages 7 to 10. Three times a week they met for 90 minutes, and he taught them hilchos brachos and Shabbos, siddur translation, and mastery of Rashi script.


Live: Project Chana Woman’s Power Hour

Live at 8:30 PM: Project Chana Woman’s Power Hour featuring Rabbi Nissan Zibell with ‘The Kosher Consumer’s Practical Shopper’s Guide,’ Rabbi Yosef Braun on non-Jewish help on Shabbos, and Rabbi Berel Bell on Birchos Hanehenin.


Backing Out of a Group Trip?

Anash.org feature: Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin, Rov of Anash in London, explores interesting Torah questions and halachic dilemmas including mechutenestes with the same name, backing out of a group trip, splitting up for maftir, and why we don’t recite morning brachos in shul.


Mechina Oholei Torah Concludes ‘Lechatchila Ariber’ Mivtza

In the true spirit of Lechatchila Ariber, Talmidim of Mechina Oholei Torah completed an eight-week Mivtza in memory of Hatomim Shmuel Karnovsky AH. Through the program, the Bochurim elevated themselves in limmud haTorah, avodas Hashem, and hiskashrus to the Rebbe.


New Children’s Book Highlights Stories by the Frierdiker Rebbe

Newly adapted from the writings of the Friediker Rebbe, The Lamdonis tells the story of the Alter Rebbe’s aunt, Rebbetzin Devorah Leah of Vitebsk. It is the work of Chabad scholar Eli Rubin, who adapted the Frierdiker Rebbe’s words to make them more accessible for his own children.


Are You Hard of Hearing? This Megillah Reading is for You

As Purim approaches, a unique initiative in Crown Heights is ensuring that everyone can fulfill the mitzvah of hearing the Megillah—loud and clear. A specially arranged Megillah reading is designed specifically for those who are hard of hearing.


Massive Tefillin Campaign at Bustling Florida Event

Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz and his son, Rabbi Meir Simcha Minkowicz, led a meaningful Mivtza Tefillin campaign at JetBlue Park in Southwest Florida, celebrating Jewish culture, unity, and tradition. The festive event featured live music, family activities, local vendors, and delicious Glatt Kosher food—a rare treat for a community without a kosher restaurant or grocery store.


Torrential Flooding Evacuates Shluchim in Bahía Blanca

Amid unprecedented torrential rains in the Argentinian port city of Bahía Blanca, shluchim Rabbi Shmuel and Shterni Freedman were evacuated by a rescue team that waded through the floodwaters to reach their home. With his family safe, Rabbi Freedman returned the next day to asist his community.


Baby Boy
י״א אדר ה׳תשפ״ה - March 11, 2025

War Day 521: New Chief Brings Overhauls to IDF, Rock Attack in Shomron

War Summary, Day 521: Negotiations back on in Qatar, Rubio says there will be no more direct talks with Hamas as the direct talks with Hamas bore no fruit, Witkoff outlines “starter” terms for hostage negotiations, low hopes for an agreement, but Israel is still trying, Hamas continues to plant roadside bombs in Gaza, two-month baby injured in rock-throwing attack, Houthis threaten to restart attacks after Tuesday, Syrian Alawites plea for Israeli protection, and Zamir overhauling IDF.


Magnificent Paris Siyum Memorialized Late Shluchos

A gorgeous Siyum Horambam was held in Paris in honor of the Rambam and 75 years of the Rebbe’s nesius. Two shluchos who recently passed away were memorialized by their husbands, Harav Yechiel Kalmenson of Brunoy and Rabbi Shlomo Azoulay of Levallois.


My Father the Businessman Experienced Hashem’s Kiss

My father is on the right studying with his older brother, Reb Chaim Aryeh.

Article by Rabbi Eli Silberstein of Ithaca, NY: My father was a businessman his entire life, yet anyone who knew him immediately recognized that his deepest passion was Torah. He lived with Hashem’s kiss every single day of his life.


This Production is Led Entirely by the Girls Themselves

Bais Chomesh of Toronto’s production is more than just a play—it’s a completely student-led initiative that provides each girl with the opportunity to shine and grow. From scriptwriting and songwriting to managing practices and leading drama and music teams, every aspect of the production is handled by the students themselves.


Connecticut Shliach Inspires at Florida’s Central Siyum

Over 500 Shluchim, Anash, and Temimim from Yeshivos across Florida gathered for the central Siyum HaRambam of the state. The highlight of the evening was the keynote address by the guest speaker, Head Shliach of Connecticut, Rabbi Yisroel Deren.

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