Thursday morning selichos were recited in the Rebbe‘s room with a crowd of guests who arrived to spend the days of Rosh Hashana by the Rebbe.
Wedding: Schwartz – Yarmak
The wedding of Efraim Schwartz and Rochel Leah Yarmak, both of Crown Heights, took place Tuesday night at Razag Ballroom.
Grand Welcome Event for the Rebbe’s Tishrei Guests
Over a thousand guests participated in a grand welcome gathering held by the “Eshel Hachnosas Orchim” organization at 770.
Rabbi Moshe Yitzchok Vorst, 85, AH
Rabbi Moshe Yitzchok Vorst, a survivor of the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp who went on to become the Head Shliach of the Netherlands, passed away.
R’ Mordechai Baron, 81, AH
R’ Mordechai Baron, a photographer who captured thousands of photos of the Rebbe after receiving the Rebbe’s permission to do so, passed away.
Our Communities
Don’t Throw These Cards in the Trash
New York State is distributing Pandemic EBT food benefits to all households with eligible children, including many families in Crown Heights; Some are unknowingly throwing them out.
Hundreds of Tishrei Guests Served Wholesome Meals
Eshel Hachnasas Orchim prepared its first breakfast of the Tishrei season for the many guests who arrived.
Wedding: Spalter – Geisinsky
The wedding of Hershel Spalter and Sara Geisinsky, both of Crown Heights, took place Tuesday night at Oholei Torah.
1000s of Food Baskets Distributed in Moscow Ahead of Rosh Hashana
The Jewish Chesed Center in Moscow upped its activities ahead of the month of Tishrei. Under the auspices of Russia’s Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar, the huge tzedakkah operation went into affect, helping families in need.
Tishrei Guests Fill Crown Heights
Thousands of guests who traveled to spend Tishrei by the Rebbe fill the benches of 770 and the streets of Crown Heights, as hundreds more arrive every few hours.
Kingston Warmly Welcomes Rabbi Oberlander
A grand farbrengen and bruchim haboim welcomed Harav Gedalya Oberlander to the Chabad community of Kingston, PA, where he moved to serve as rov.
Why Exactly Am I Here on Rosh Hashanah?
Rosh Hashanah Article by Rabbi Shimon Posner: I am here to feel small, because when we feel small then we realize that we, as we are, are important, crucial even – only in ways that we don’t even know how
Rubashkin Prepares to Host Thousands Over Tishrei
Even before Rosh Hashanah, work has begun on setting up R’ Moshe Rubashkin’s giant Sukkah on President Street as he prepares to host the thousands of guests who rely on him for meals and accommodations.
Orange County: Torah Welcomed into Chabad Israeli Center
The streets of Irvine, California, were the scene of an unusual spectacle this week. The welcoming ceremony for the first Sefer Torah into the Chabad House for Israelis.
New Series from MyMaor Plus Prepares Kids for Tishrei
If you’re a parent looking to provide your older kids with a meaningful and engaging educational experience this Tishrei season, look no further than “Yiddenburg,” the latest series from MyMaor Plus.
1000 Bochurim Begin Month by the Rebbe With Seder Sichos
1000 Bochurim joined for a Seder Sichos in 770 beginning the month of Tishrei by the Rebbe. Two bochurim were the lucky winners of a dollar of the Rebbe.
Wedding: Laber – Malachowski
The wedding of Azriel Laber of Rensselaer, NY and Hadassa Malachowski of Crown Heights took place Sunday night at Oholei Torah.
Sign the Communal Pan on Behalf of All Chassidim
Agudas Chasidei Chabad is encouraging Chassidim to submit the names of their families in the communal Pa”n that will be read at the Rebbe’s Ohel on Erev Rosh Hashana.
NCFJE to Subsidize Kaporos for Crown Heights
Despite recent inflation and chicken prices on the rise, NCFJE is back once again with subsidized Kaporos servicing the Crown Heights community.
“Hacker’s HackelCon” Raised the Bar In More Ways Than One
Jewish CyberSecurity experts, beginners, and enthusiasts gathered for a conference in Crown Heights to network and exchange ideas. The meeting was noteworthy in more ways than one.
Bochur Attacked in Unprovoked Assault in Crown Heights
A bochur who was walking down the street in Crown Heights was assaulted in an unprovoked attack. Shomrim apprehended the attacker in a matter of minutes.
Cincinnati Yeshiva Celebrates 18 Years With Alumni Hakhel
Yeshivas Lubavitch Cincinnati celebrated their 18th anniversary as a moisad, with a beautiful dinner for all their alumni. The crowd was addressed by the staff of the yeshiva, and Rabbi Shais Taub, a parent to one of the bochurim who learned there.
Wedding: Wagner – Spalter
The wedding of Chaim Wagner of Johannesburg, South Africa, and Devorah Leah Spalter of Crown Heights took place at Oholei Torah.
Rolling Up a Beard on Shabbos? feature: Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin, Rov of Anash in London, explores interesting Torah questions and halachic dilemmas including rolling up a beard on Shabbos, burning challa dough on a stovetop, bowing on granite, and up putting cholent after licht bentchen.
Unity of the Jewish People on Display at Montreal Siyum
Thousands of men, women, and children gathered to celebrate the completion of the 9th Sefer Torah Hakloli, launched by the Rebbe to unite the entire Jewish people, in a truly fitting conclusion to the year of Hakhel.