Unity of the Jewish People on Display at Montreal Siyum

Photos: Sender Z/Anash.org

Thousands of men, women, and children gathered to celebrate the completion of the 9th Sefer Torah Hakloli, launched by the Rebbe to unite the entire Jewish people, in a truly fitting conclusion to the year of Hakhel.

More than 40 years after the launch of the first “Unity Torah”—a Torah scroll written for the sake of the unity of the Jewish people worldwide—thousands gathered in Montreal on Sunday to honor the completion of the Ninth Unity Sefer Torah, dedicated to the “merit and safety of the people of Ukraine.”

The Montreal area’s 45 or so Chabad-Lubavitch centers, which collectively signed up 55,000 participants for the scroll’s 304,805 letters, will share the Torah in recognition of their diligence and hard work in ensuring it would be completed in this Hakhel year, said Rabbi Moshe Shmuel Oirechman of Chabad of the Krayot, Eretz Yisroel. Oirechmanhas also led the efforts for each of the nine scrolls since 1981, in which every Jewish person is encouraged to purchase a letter, thus uniting with all other Jewish people.

All the Chabad centers of Quebec hosted the completion ceremony at Beth Chabad Cote S. Luc, directed by Rabbi Mendel and Sarah Raskin. The event drew guests from Canada, the United States and Israel at their Chabad center.

In 5742, the Rebbe began the campaign to write Unity Sifrei Torah to unite all of the Jewish Nation. These Sifrei Torah were of great importance to the Rebbe and he publicly spoke about it more than 101 times.

The event also celebrated this year’s closing Hakhel year, whose theme revolves around gathering Jews together for the furtherance of more Torah study and doing of mitzvos.

The event featured international speaker Rabbi Manis Friedman and rising Israeli Singer Moshe Louk.

If you know anyone who still doesn’t have a letter dedicated to them in one of these Sifrei Torah please sign them up at UnityLetter.com

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