1000s of Food Baskets Distributed in Moscow Ahead of Rosh Hashana

The Jewish Chesed Center in Moscow upped its activities ahead of the month of Tishrei. Under the auspices of Russia’s Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar, the huge tzedakkah operation went into affect, helping families in need.

Photographs by: Levi Nazarov

After much organizing and planning, with all the complex logistics underway, Operation “Kimcha deTishrei” was launched this week. Thousands of needy Jews, amongst them elderly, indigent, or large families who are going through a rough patch, will each receive a large food basket during these days in an organized and dignified manner.

This project joins a long list of important projects that are being held in the “Shaarey Tzedek Jewish Chesed Center” in the Marina Roscha neighborhood of Moscow. The center was founded by Russia’s Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar who enthusiastically directs its managers and many staff members to actively listen to each request that comes their way, ensuring that all of Moscow’s Jews will have a festive holiday table this year.

A fleet of cars with drivers and volunteers delivered the food baskets directly to the elderly who are homebound and cannot arrive on their own. The rest come on their own throughout the day at times that are convenient for them for a dignified and respectable pick-up of their basket. The package includes meat and chicken, fish, wine and grape juice, fruits and vegetables, as well as other food products that are all kosher certified under the supervision of Russia’s Chief Rabbinate.

The food distribution is the highlight of this week at the Chesed Center, along with a special Pre-Rosh Hashana concert attended by hundreds of Jews where they will hear about the Yom Tov’s mitzvos in a joyful manner.

An additional service to aid the elderly is free transportation to various Jewish cemeteries in Moscow, so that they can pray at the graves of their ancestors as is customary on Rosh Hashana eve.

With great satisfaction the “Shaarey Tzedek Chesed Center” is summing up another year full of successful assistance in all areas of life, including food and nutrition, as well as physical and mental wellness. With the help of its hundreds of dedicated workers and volunteers who tirelessly give of themselves for others, this blessed initiative has become a shining example for Moscow’s capital.

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