R’ Mordechai Baron, 81, AH

R’ Mordechai Baron, a photographer who captured thousands of photos of the Rebbe after receiving the Rebbe’s permission to do so, passed away.

R’ Mordechai Baron, a photographer who captured thousands of photos of the Rebbe after receiving the Rebbe’s permission to do so, passed away on 27th of Elul, 5783.

He was 81 years old.

Born in Olyenbusk, Russia, on 2nd of Tevet, 5702, Mordechai and his family managed to leave the USSR in 5709 and emigrated to Eretz Yisroel. There, they settled in Ramla.

In Ramlah, Mordechai attended the local school affiliated with religious Zionism, supplementing his Jewish studies with lessons from Rabbi Moshe Beitsh.

After completing his education, Mordechai joined the IDF. Following his military service, he embarked on a trip to Cleveland, Ohio, where he enjoyed time with friends and began his journey into the world of photography. His travels lasted three years until he returned to Israel due to his father’s illness.

During his time in Israel, he married his wife, Nechama, and remained by his father’s bedside until his passing. Several months after the mourning period, Mordechai and Nechama returned to Cleveland, where he began dedicating himself to the world of photography.

In Cleveland, Mordechai and Nechama welcomed two sons into their family, and through a chance encounter with a Chabad chossid, he was introduced to Chabad Chasidus. He established a connection with Rabbi Chaim Dovid Laine, who facilitated his deeper engagement with Chabad Chasidut through his father-in-law, Rabbi Shneur Zalman Katzenelnbogen. It didn’t take long for Mordechai to became a dedicated Chabad Chasid.

Mordechai made his first visit to the Rebbe for Simchat Torah in 5731. The following year, he returned equipped with his personal camera, eager to capture images of the Rebbe. Though chasidim encouraged him to seek the Rebbe’s permission before taking photos, Mordechai initially ignored their advice. But then, after snapping many photos, he saw that the entire roll of film had been ruined, and he attributed it to the fact that he didn’t ask permission. So he wrote a letter to the Rebbe requesting permission to photograph once granted permission, he became one of the regular photographers in 770, capturing thousands of images of the Rebbe and chassidim in various settings.

Mordechai also ventured into producing and promoting various products that featured the Rebbe’s image. Despite initial resistance from some Chasidim, he sought the Rebbe’s guidance and received a positive response, which led to a significant expansion of his production efforts.

Over the years, Mordechai sent the Rebbe the first copy of each product he made and received encouraging responses and brachos in return.

The levaya was held in Kfar Chabad, and continued to Ramlah, where he was buried.

His sons Yaacov and Yossi Baron will be sitting shiva in Crown Heights.

Shiva will be held at 1650 President St.

Two minyanim needed.

Shacharis: 8:00am and 9:00am

Mincha: 6:30 pm

Maariv: Bizmana

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