
Mashpiim: Bochurim with Draft Notices Should Not Travel for Tishrei

Following the annulment of the draft exemption for Yeshiva students by Israel’s Supreme Court and uncertainty about what will result, leading mashpiim in Eretz Yisroel are instructing bochurim to avoid the draft office, and not to leave the country if they received a notice even if means not traveling to New York for Tishrei.


Lubavitcher Photographer Attacked in Sofia, Bulgaria

Mordechai Lubecki, a Lubavitcher Photographer from Paris who travels the world, was attacked last night in Sofia, Bulgaria, by a man who threatened him with a knife and stole his yarmulka, while shouting “Hitler” at him.


Baby Girl
א׳ אלול ה׳תשפ״ד - September 4, 2024

Exciting First Day at Oholei Torah Cheder

Photos: Yossi Fajnland

Gallery 2: The first day of the new school year at Oholei Torah had the talmidim excited to meet their classmates and teachers and to resume their Torah learning.


Budapest Tefillin Campaign Inspires Hundreds

A tefillin campaign in Budapest run by a group of bochurim from the Brunoy Yeshiva attracted hundreds of locals and tourists across the city and near the famous ‘Shoes on the Danube Bank’ Holocaust memorial.


Mesivta Oholei Torah Begins New Year with Major Growth

Mesivta Oholei Torah started the new year with remarkable growth, with both Shiur Alef and Shiur Gimmel having some of the largest incoming classes in the Mesivta’s history. To cater to the bochurim, the Yeshiva is proud to introduce an impressive new team of staff members.


Baby Girl
א׳ אלול ה׳תשפ״ד - September 4, 2024

Baby Girl
א׳ אלול ה׳תשפ״ד - September 4, 2024

Global Campaign Honored Rebbe’s Father, Fueled Jewish Renaissance

The annual Chof Av campaign for Chabad of Kazakhstan was a smashing success, with over 3,500 chassidim participating from around the world to support Jewish life in Kazakhstan and honor the legacy of R’ Levi Yitzchok. A raffle for two tickets to Almaty will be taking place.


Mrs. Edna Gottesman, 100, AH

Mrs. Edna Gottesman, a beloved mother and grandmother who always held great faith and a positive attitude despite being widowed at a young age, passed away on Sunday 28th of Menachem Av 5784.


Bnei Brak City Council Pays Tribute to the Rebbe and Chabad

On Monday, erev Rosh Chodesh Elul, the Bnei Brak City Council Hall held a tribute event to honor the Rebbe in connection with thirty years since Gimmel Tammuz and the local shluchim in honor of 70 years since the establishment of Tzach in the city.


100 Released Time Teachers Prepare to Conquer New York

More than 100 Bochurim gathered at Anshe Sholom Chabad in Kew Gardens, Queens, for a memorable Released Time Teachers’ Conference filled with learning, inspiration, and camaraderie, as they prepare to influence Jewish students in New York’s Public Schools.


War Day 333: U.S. DOJ File Against Hamas, Baby Stroller Bomb Found

Tulkarem terrorists hide bomb in baby carriage.

War Summary, Day 333: The American Department of Justice intends to file charges against senior members of the Hamas leadership for their involvement in the kidnapping and murder of American citizens, the IDF found explosives attached to a baby carriage in Tulkarm, and Israel begins the process of taking over aid distribution in Gaza in an effort to cut Hamas out of the process.


Bochurim Taking Food From the Yeshiva Kitchen? feature: Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin, Rov of Anash in London, explores interesting Torah questions and halachic dilemmas including bochurim taking food from the yeshiva kitchen, is bankruptcy recognized in halacha, a dog in shul, and why we don’t round the corners of blankets.


Vibrant Sounds of Torah Fill Baltimore’s Cheder Chabad

Yesterday, the hallways of Cheder Chabad of Baltimore came alive with excitement, marking the beginning of a new school year. The classrooms were filled with the sound of Torah as students eagerly opened their siddurim, Chumashim, and Gemaras, diving into another year of Torah.


If He Can Do Mivtzoim, You Can Too

Moshe Sasonkin, a young Crown Heights bochur whose limbs were amputated as a baby, spent his summer inspiring others with Yiddishkeit and joy. Despite not having hands, he personally laid tefillin on others, as seen in this incredible clip.

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