Sefardic Shuls of Crown Heights to Start Elul Selichos

Sefardic communities throughout the world will recite selichos throughout Elul as per their custom. Two shuls in Crown Heights will hold daily selichos at 1:00 and 5:00 AM.

Sefardic Jews worldwide begin Selichot from Rosh Chodesh Elul through Yom Kippur to commemorate the 40 days Moshe Rabbeinu went up to Shamayim to pray for Bnai Yisroel after the Chet Ha’egel. This year, the first day of Selichot will be on Beis Elul, in two locations in Crown Heights.

The Arizal Hakadosh explains that the 40 days from Rosh Chodesh Elul through Yom Kippur, the Yud Gimmul Midos of Hashem are revealed in Shamayim, and as such, each and every person can tap into Hashem’s mercy and have all their tefilos answered.

In commemoration of the third ascent of Moshe Rabbeinu on Rosh Chodesh Elul, it is the custom of Sefardim to recite Selichot from Beis Elul through Yom Kippur.

There will be two daily Minyanim for Selichot in Crown Heights beginning Wednesday night at Merkaz Sefarad and Thursday morning at Ner Menachem.

Merkaz Sefarad
556 Crown Street
Corner Albany
1:00 am daily

Ner Menachem / Nimni
560 Empire Blvd
5:00 am Selichot
5:55 am Shachrit to be at the Amidah by Netz currently at 6:30 am.
(The time will be later as the month moves along and Netz becomes later)

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