What We Really Need

Article by Rabbi Binyomin Cohen: When eminent Chabad rov in Baltimore, R. Avrohom Elyeh Akselrod, davened for hours long on Rosh Hashana night, his shul president was sure he was davening for a raise. But the chossid’s innocent response took the man by surprise. 

Unmasked: What Do We Look Like?

From the Anash.org inbox: “Our neighborhood has seen a miraculous turnaround, as the achdus we only dreamed of became the nucleus of so many activities. Once we have stretched, why would anyone want to shrink?”

Does Your Vote Really Matter?

The news these days is full of talk about elections. Indiana Shliach Rabbi Eliezer Zalmanov shares insights on one particular vote and lessons we can draw.

Keep a Safe Distance

When the Rebbe instructed Tzach not to set up mivtzoyim directly along the route of the Israel Day Parade.

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