A tefillin campaign in Budapest run by a group of bochurim from the Brunoy Yeshiva attracted hundreds of locals and tourists across the city and near the famous ‘Shoes on the Danube Bank’ Holocaust memorial.
Ten students from the Tomchei Tmimim Lubavitch Yeshiva in Brunoy, France, have utilized their summer break to assist the Chabad Shluchim in Budapest, Hungary’s capital. They spread out across the bustling city, where an estimated 5% of the population is Jewish and which attracts many tourists. Over the past week, these young men have helped hundreds of Jews don tefillin, including 14 karkaftas.
The students’ outreach efforts will continue until the start of the new zman at their yeshiva next week. Their campaign has been particularly successful in engaging both local Yidden and Jewish tourists visiting the city.
Rabbi Shlomo Koves, chairman of EMIH, the United Hungarian Jewish Congregation, an organization representing Torah-observant communities, expressed his enthusiasm for the project: “Baruch Hashem, this initiative has been an unprecedented success. We’ll soon be announcing an important and surprising development.”
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