2,000 Shluchim Teach the Rebbe’s Insights into Current Gaza War

A timely and relevant class highlighting the Rebbe’s insight into a past wars that Eretz Yisroel fought to gradually weaken their enemies was taught this past week by over 2,000 shluchim around the world.

A powerful class was taught to crowds at Chabad Houses around the world, based on the Rebbe’s response to something Defense Minister Moshe Dayan said during a speech to IDF graduates. The class is one of a series that was compiled and written by Rabbi Avraham and Rabbi Zusha Greenberg, and had a profound influence on the shluchim that taught it and their balebatim who learned it.

The class brings up a question an American Jewish leader had with Defense Minister Dayan during During the War of Attrition, Milchemet Ha’hatasha, which was the war after the Six Day War, and was designed by Egypt to weaken Israel: “Vos vet zein der sof?” — What will be the end?

The words that Dayan used for the answer were said in a speech that he addressed to graduates of the IDF Command and Staff College, were “Al tira”, do not be afraid. He was trying to encourage the young graduates to be fearless and brave when they go out to war. When the Rebbe brought up Dayan’s speech in a sicha, the Rebbe said that of course, the most important part of the possuk “Al tira” was missing: the end. Why should we not fear? “Ki Hashem Elokecha Imach”, because Hashem is with us.

The Rebbe then connected it all to tefillin. When a Yid remembers the miracles of yetzias Mitzrayim and the wonders of the Six-Day War, he feels that Hashem is with him, and therefore he is not afraid. Through the recitation of the Shema and the wearing of tefillin, of which it is said, “and they shall see that the name of Hashem is called upon you, and they will fear you,” Hashem casts fear upon the enemies and brings peace to the land.

The deep lessons of emunah and strengthening in doing Torah and Mitzvos is a powerful inspiration and encouragement in our times, especially during the tense situation currently in Eretz Yisroel. The many shluchim who taught the class already, attest to the spellbinding impact and strong influence the lessons of the sicha had on their community members who attended.

The series is available for others who wish to learn and teach this weekly class, and is currently available in six languages. To access the classes, click here. Click here to download this specific class.


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