Following the annulment of the draft exemption for Yeshiva students by Israel’s Supreme Court and uncertainty about what will result, leading mashpiim in Eretz Yisroel are instructing bochurim to avoid the draft office, and not to leave the country if they received a notice even if means not traveling to New York for Tishrei.
By reporter
With the recent ruling by Israel’s Supreme Court canceling the 75-year-old army service exemption for Yeshiva students, bochurim across Eretz Yisroel remain unsure how to proceed as the ruling left some areas ambiguous, as in how many bochurim need to be drafted or if and when the ruling will be enforced.
Now, four leading mashpiim, Reb Chaim Sholom Deitsch, Reb Yosef Yitzchok (Fitche) Ofen, Reb Zalman Gopin, and Reb Mendel Vechter, issued a letter with instructions on how to proceed.
The letter, which was sent out to all the Yeshivos in Eretz Yisroel, reminded bochurim of the Rebbe’s strong views on the importance of bochurim remaining in yeshiva, and the imperative need for Eretz Yisroel’s security and protection through diligent Torah learning. The Torah that is learned in yeshivos is what keeps the soldiers who are risking their lives at the border safe, and keeps Am Yisroel protected in Hashem’s holy land.
The mashpiim therefore instructed the bochurim not to show up at the IDF recruitment offices. If they receive a draft notice, they should not leave the country since that would likely result in being drafted. This letter is being released ahead of Tishrei when many bochurim plan to travel to New York.
The mashpiim’s letter reads as follows:
“In light of the cancellation of the ‘yeshiva student’ status by the government, the army has revoked the deferments that had previously been granted to all yeshiva students in the Holy Land, and from now on, any yeshiva bochur who arrives at the military office will begin the recruitment process. Therefore, for now, do not report to the recruitment office.
“As is well-known, the sacred opinion of our Rebbe is, when someone asked: ‘Is a yeshiva bochur in Eretz Yisroel obligated to enlist in the army?’
“‘I am surprised that there is even doubt about this matter, to the point where it is necessary to ask from afar. For it is well-known and publicly clear the ruling of the rabbonim of Eretz Yisroel. Of course, this ruling is based on our Torah, the Torah of Life, which says that yeshiva students should not be drafted and should not go to the army. Their study of our holy Torah with diligence and perseverance protects and saves our Holy Land and those who dwell in it.’
“These words are eternal and, in this period, gain even more strength. Even now, due to the new situation, all the rabbonim of Eretz Yisroel have ruled that one should not approach the recruitment office, and of course, anyone who has received a draft notice should refrain this year from traveling abroad for fear of being drafted. It is best to abstain and not act.”
The letter was signed by mashpiim Reb Chaim Sholom Deitsch, Reb Yosef Yitzchok (Fitche) Ofen, Reb Zalman Gopin, and Reb Mendel Vechter.
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