War Summary, Day One Hundred and Eleven: protesters gathered at the Kerem Shalom border crossing with Gaza and blocked the flow of trucks carrying humanitarian aid, Israel’s President Isaac Herzog begged politicians and all Israelis to continue with the political unity, and Hamas did not succeed in firing any rockets.
New Shluchim to Sunny Jacksonville, Florida
Rabbi Velvil and Estie Kahanov (nee Brackman) have been appointed by Rabbi Yosef and Rivkie Kahanov as Shluchim to Jacksonville, FL, to serve the local Jewish community.
250 Celebrate the New Year For Trees in Flanders, France
The Bais Chabad in Flanders, France held a grand Tu B’Shvat celebration with Rabbi Mendel Azimov and Rabbi Binyamin Mergui in attendance.
Knesset Member Visits Ohel To Daven for Safety of Eretz Yisroel
Knesset member Simcha Rothman visited the Ohel to beseech on behalf of the safety of the soldiers and families in Eretz Yisroel.
Safrus Scandal: Beautiful STaM Discovered to be Fraudulent
Their greatest fears were found to be true. The tefillin he had been wearing all this time was possul. A sofer exposed a fellow sofer, whose wares were sold in Crown Heights and Eretz Yisroel, as unscrupulous.
Our Communities
Dedication at Yeshiva Library Fulfilled Wish of Young Boy
YTTL Montreal Yeshiva’s school library – Heshel Ceitlin’s Corner – had an intimate and special dedication in honor of Danielli Autemezguine a”h, a boy who had been looking forward to attending Yeshiva.
Oholei Torah Marks Yud Shevat with Fathers-Son Learning
Fathers of sixth and seventh grade students in Oholei Torah joined their sons for a morning of learning and bonding in honor of Yud Shevat.
Rav Yitzchak Abuhatzeira’s Hiloula Celebrated in Crown Heights
Over 150 men and women joined an event marking the 112th Hiloula of the saintly Tzadik and Mekubal Rabbi Yitzchak Abuhatzeira on Tuesday night in Crown Heights.
Is Chinuch a Second Class Shlichus?
Article by Rabbi Gershon Avtzon: I was recently talking to a group of bochurim and asked them if any of them were thinking of becoming Shluchim in Mosdos Chinuch and they all said absolutely not! Because Chinuch is “second class shlichus” and they would like to be “first class Shluchim”.
Tri-Valley Shliach Inspires East Flatbush Community
The East Flatbush community marked the 74 years of the Rebbe leadership on Yud Shevat with an elevating farbrengen led by Rabbi Raleigh Resnick.
Hundreds Worldwide Are Learning Chassidus with 770 Yeshiva
In its third month, the new Seder Dach program has allowed Shluchim and Anash to join Seder Chassidus with the Bochurim of 770, learning together with Tomchei Temimim Hamerkozis.
Rov and Shliach Lead Los Angeles Farbrengen
A grand farbrengen and melava malka was held Motzei Shabbos at Congregation Levi Yitzchok in Los Angeles marking Yud Shevat, led by Rabbi Dov Wagner and Rabbi Yisroel Noach Raichik.
Tomchei Tmimim Ocean Parkway’s Educational Extravaganza
Tomchei Tmimim Ocean Parkway fosters strong connections among parents, teachers, and students. Some of the ways parents engage include father and son learning, immersive book readings, artistic projects, musical activities, and division farbrengens.
Wedding: Lachiani – Ehrentreu
The L’Chaim of Mendi Lachiani of Kiryat Gat and Rochi Ehrentreu of Crown Heights was held Tuesday night at Oholei Torah Ballroom.
Kinus Tzeirei Hashluchos Announces Head Staff
As Young Shluchos around the world eagerly countdown until the Kinus Tzeirei Hashluchos taking place next week, the Shluchim Office announces the head staff leading this year’s program.
War Day 110: 21 Soldiers Killed, Terrorist on Scooter Fires
War Summary, Day One Hundred and Ten: 21 IDF soldiers were killed in one incident around 4pm on Monday, a Palestinian terrorist on an electric scooter opened fire on IDF reservists near the town of Anabta, and Hamas rejects Israel’s two month cease-fire deal.
Over 200 Attend Five Towns Farbrengen with Rabbi Deren
Over 200 men and women gathered in the five towns for an inspiring Yud Shvat farbrengen with renown shliach Rabbi Yisrael Deren.
Wellness Summit to Highlight Shluchos Spiritual Strength
At the wellness summit following the kinus, Shluchos will discuss how being anchored by Torah and Chassidus has been instrumental in navigating personal and community challenges.
L’Chaim: Attal – Azoulay
The L’Chaim of Levi Yitzchok Azoulay of Bonneuil-sur-Marne, Paris, France and Miriam Attal of Lyon, France was held in Crown Heights.
11-Year-Old Girl Separating Challa?
Anash.org feature: Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin, Rov of Anash in London, explores interesting Torah questions and halachic dilemmas including removing glasses for Shema, an 11-year-old girl separating challa, and non-Jewish waiters preparing tables for a Motzei Shabbos event.
Morristown Mashpia Invigorates Mechanchim in the Mid-Winter
Close to 100 educators gathered in Crown Heights to soak up chinuch inspiration at Igud Hamelamdim’s annual chinuch farbrengen with Morristown mashpia Rabbi Efraim Piekarsky.
CGI Toronto Announces Head Staff of Boys’ Division
Camp Gan Israel of Toronto announced the Head Staff for their boys’ division of summer 5784.
Wedding: Kahan – Laskar
The wedding of Zalmy Kahan of Boca Raton, Florida, and Rivky Laskar of Davie, Florida, took place Monday night at Oholei Torah.
Father of Hostage Speaks at 770 Farbrengen
The father of hostage Matan Angrest spoke at the Yud Shevat farbrengen in 770 asking the assembled to use the power of the farbrengen and pray for his son’s safe return home for captivity in Gaza.
New YAHAD Games Intrigue the Minds of Thousands
YAHAD, the Chabad youth organization actively engaging thousands of Russian-speaking students and young professionals, has recently unveiled four original board games packed with Jewish educational content, these games cater specifically to their target audience.