Genius that Concealed Piety

When Reb Zelig Feldman passed away suddenly at the age of 58 in 5756/1996, Reb Tuvia Bloy bemoaned the early passing of a dear friend who was a walking example of “true gaonus who hid his tzidkus.”

Our Man in America

17 Sivan is the yahrtzeit of Rabbi Yisroel Jacobson, who for over 50 years worked to build yiddishkeit and chassidus in America.

A Life of Mesiras Nefesh

Born in Nevel in 5668/1908 to Reb Peretz and Chana Frieda Devora, Reb Berke Chein was an example of true chassidishe mesiras nefesh, coupled with incredible Ahavas Yisroel. He passed away on 4 Sivan 5750/1990.

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