
Live: Kids Farbrengen to Feature 770 Tour

Children from all over the world are gearing up for this year’s unique Moshiach online Zoom farbrengen, Sunday 1 PM ET, featuring a unique 770 tour and the launch of a new Tut Altz curriculum.


Mobile Hebrew School Hits the Road

With Jewish families in the small northern mountain town of Whistler, British Columbia, Rabbi Dovid Rosenfeld and his wife, Chaya, directors of British Columbia Regional Hebrew School, make the two-hour commute from Vancouver to bring Hebrew School to them.


War Day 211: Security Guard Body Identified, Road From Israel to Rafah Built

IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi on the beach of Central Gaza.

War Summary, Day Two Hundred and Eleven: Elyakim Libman, who was thought to have been taken hostage was declared dead after his body was found in Israel mixed up and buried together with another victim, An airstrike in Rafah eliminated Iman Zareb a senior PIJ commander with a notorious terrorism record, and satellite imagery shows the beginnings of a road being constructed leading towards Rafah in southernmost Gaza.


Secular Morals Have Gone Bankrupt, Again

Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: In recent weeks, we witnessed once again the lack of morals, ethics, and even basic civility from both students and leaders at prestigious universities. Pirkei Avos reminds us at the start that Torah is the only source for good, pure, and true guidance.


He Was Teaching Torah Under the Floor

When young Shula came looking for her father, Reb Yitzchok Elchonon Shagalov, the chossid who opened the door began moving a large table in the center of the room. He then bent down and removed three planks of wood from the floor.


Pitfalls of Buying Chometz After Pesach

Can I eat any Chametz now that Pesach is over? If a store is fully owned by non-Jews, can I buy anything from there? Following Pesach, Rabbi Nissan Zibell of ‘Kashrus: Be in the Know’ sheds some light on what you need to know for your post-Pesach shopping trip.


New Course Lays Out Path to Peace

A new 4-part course by Rabbi Mordechai Wenger on Chabad-U teaches the art of cultivating trust and the transformative effects of trust on your life, where trust in Hashem is not just a concept but a way of being.


Keep Yeshiva Donors Away from the Ruchniyus

After a fiery sicha at the Acharon Shel Pesach 5711 farbrengen, the Rebbe began handing out wine to all Torah teachers present. When some yeshiva supporters asked for wine as well, the Rebbe didn’t give them with the teachers, explaining that the gashmiyus and ruchniyus must remain separate.


War Day 209: Hostage Confirmed Killed, Alleged IDF Attack in Syria

The IDF use a crane to safely remove the remains of an intercepted Iranian ballistic missile, found in the desert area near Arad. It is one of 120 such missiles fired at Israel on April 14th.

War Summary, Day Two Hundred and Nine: New terrorist bodycam confirms that hostage Dror Or was confirmed killed by Hamas on Simchas Torah before his body was taken to Gaza, Syria’s broadcaster reported that an alleged Israeli airstrike near Damascus wounded eight Syrian soldiers, and Saudi Arabian authorities have begun arresting citizens who criticize or speak about Israel’s war online.


Live: Siyum on Rambam’s Sefer Ahava

Live at 9:30 PM ET: An international Siyum celebrating the completion of the Rambam’s Sefer Hamada will feature Rabbi Mendy Cohen of Sacramento, CA, who will share a special hadran in honor of 40 years.



Not Even a Banana

As a young couple, Yonason and Devorah Adler lived not far from her parents, but their refusal to eat her mother’s less-than-kosher food was a point of contention. The Rebbe gave them advice and then predicted what would happen next.


Baby Boy
כ״ד ניסן ה׳תשפ״ד - May 2, 2024

Photos: Kever of Raban Gamliel of Yavneh

Photos: Mordechai Lubecki

Near the city of Yavneh, in an area known today as “Gan HaSanhedrin,” a large stone structure built by Muslims in the 13th century stands there, topped by two domes. A tradition holds that this is the kever of Raban Gamliel of Yavneh.


Baby Girl
כ״ד ניסן ה׳תשפ״ד - May 2, 2024

Picture of the Day

A spontaneous Kinus Torah was arranged at the Ohel with mashpia R’ Nachman Shapiro at the request of the many bochurim and anash who were there.


Live: Worldwide Kolelim to Host Global Kinus Torah

Join Live on Thursday at 1:00 PM: Kollel L’Rabbonei Chabad and Kollel Dach will be presenting a Kinus Torah, 24 Nissan, addressed by Kollel members Rabbi Berel Polityko, on the topic Hafrashas Challah, and Rabbi Eli Rubin on Hofachas Yam l’Yabasha in Haskala and Avodas HaTefillah.

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