Keep Yeshiva Donors Away from the Ruchniyus

After a fiery sicha at the Acharon Shel Pesach 5711 farbrengen, the Rebbe began handing out wine to all Torah teachers present. When some yeshiva supporters asked for wine as well, the Rebbe didn’t give them with the teachers, explaining that the gashmiyus and ruchniyus must remain separate.

“Anyone who has the opportunity to become active in spreading Torah should know that he has received an instruction from the Rebbe, and the Rebbe is accompanying him in his work.

“Therefore, it is a holy obligation, and a holy zechus, for everyone to become active in spreading Torah!”

After this fiery sicha at the Acharon Shel Pesach 5711 farbrengen, the Rebbe began handing out wine to all Torah teachers present. Some also received personal brachos.

A few balebatim, supporters of the yeshiva, also asked for wine. But the Rebbe declined, saying, “I don’t want to mix the gashmiyus with the ruchniyus, because if the yeshiva supporters get involved in the ruchniyus, the gashmiyus will lack…”

Later, the Rebbe gave the yeshiva supporters wine, separately, with these words: “A chossid should be like a goat, who gives milk and relies on her owner for her food. Likewise, a chossid should do his duty, and the Rebbe will care for his needs.”

(Toras Menachem, Vol 3 p. 44)

From The Weekly Farbrengen by Merkaz Anash

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  1. are there any lubavitch schools where the supporters or board members aren’t involved in the ruchnius?

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