These Soldiers Are Alive By a Miracle

“At least ten guys in our squad have injuries to their ears or knuckles from missiles or shrapnel that narrowly missed hitting where it would have been fatal,” Mendy said. Kfir eagerly pulled out his phone. “Look, I starred in a Hezbollah movie! They thought they killed me.”


The Rebbe’s English Letters on Breaking Free

On Pesach we celebrate the liberation of our ancestors from the physical–as well as spiritual–shackles of Egypt. In these letters, the Rebbe explains how we too have the ability to leave our own personal “Egypt”.


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Children Gather for Pesach Rally in 770

Photos: Shalom Ross/

Hundreds of children and parents filled 770 on Chol Hamoed for a Tzivos Hashem rally featuring the 12 pesukim, Tehillim, words of Torah, and an exciting show.


Buffalo Community Unites for Kinus Torah

As per the Rebbe’s directive to increase in Torah study on Pesach, the Buffalo community held a large Kinus Torah at the Beis Haknesset Hagodal Lubavitch of Buffalo this Chol Hamoed.


Baby Girl
כ׳ ניסן ה׳תשפ״ד - April 27, 2024

$1M Dollars of Appreciation for Rebbis and Morahs

Over one million dollars worth of Pesach food and supplies were gifted to rebbis and Beis Rivkah morahs in appreciation for their year-long effort in educating our children at the annual Chasdei Lev event organized by the Igud Hamelamdim.


The Chossid Who Was ‘The Rebbe’s Golam’

As a youth, Reb Bereh Volf Koz’venikov suffered from a terrible stutter, yet, he devoted himself to teaching the simpletons in his town basic Torah teachings. When he shared this in yechidus, the Tzemach Tzedek bentched him, and he was changed forever.


Baby Girl
י״ח ניסן ה׳תשפ״ד - April 26, 2024

Baby Boy
י״ח ניסן ה׳תשפ״ד - April 26, 2024

Photos: Kever of Dan Ben Yaakov

Photographer Mordechai Lubecki captured photos of the remote site known as the Kever of Dan Ben Yaakov, which is reached via a scenic route through the land of Dan.


I Am Also ‘Dem Rebbin’s Ah Bochur’

At the Acharon Shel Pesach farbrengen of 5711, the Rebbe began handing out wine to the assembled yeshiva bochurim. But then the Rebbe made an unusual statement about himself.


War Day 202: Egypt Proposes Cease-Fire, Hamas Fire at Aid Workers

Seder tables set up and ready ahead of Pesach at a base along the Netzarim corridor.

War Summary, Day Two Hundred and Two: Egypt has put together a new ceasefire proposal to release all hostages in return for a Palestinian state, the IDF’s COGAT division reported that terrorists fired mortars at a humanitarian work site in northern Gaza during a visit of UN personnel yesterday, and the IDF struck a number of Hezbollah sites in Southern Lebanon, and shelled Hezbollah positions along the border.

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