Talented Young Pianist Releases Three Chabad Melodies

In connection with the Rebbe’s birthday, young bochur Schneur Lerer, a talented pianist, played three of the Rebbe’s special niggunim in soft piano: Tzama Lecha Nafshi, Vehi She’amda, and Anim Zemiros.

In connection with the Rebbe’s birthday, talented young bochur Schneur Lerer, played three of the Rebbe’s niggunim in soft piano: Tzama Lecha Nafshi, Vehi She’amda, and Anim Zemiros.

The first nigun, “Tzama Lecha Nafshi,” a deeply emotional tune, expressing longing and yearning, was taught by the Rebbe on Shabbat Mevorchim Iyar, and has become one of the iconic tunes of Chabad.

The second nigun, “Vehi She’amda,” is particularly timely for the Pesach season.

The third melody, “Anim Zemiros,” was chosen for a special collaboration with Shua Katzman, a bochur musician proficient in many instruments. For this piece, he joined with his saxophone, creating an interesting and harmonious blend.

Anim Zemiros:

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Tzama Lecha Nafshi:

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Vehi She’omdo:

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