
Rounding a Kapota Corner: How Much? feature: Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin, Rov of Anash in London, explores interesting Torah questions and halachic dilemmas including wearing a coat on Shabbos afternoon for Motzaei Shabbos, how much to round a kapota corner, and am I obligated to donate to every tzedaka campaign.


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Seder Nashim Is Now Open for Its Second Year Registration

After a successful first year with over 80 participants, Lemaan Yilemdu invites you to join their higher-education program tailored for women. Enhance your life by mastering subjects in Halacha and immerse in advanced Torah knowledge in order to live, learn, and grow.


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Mrs. Chana Simpson, 88, AH

Mrs. Chana Simpson, a beloved mother and grandmother and resident of Boro Park, Brooklyn passed away on Tuesday, 29 Nissan, 5784. Levaya will pass by 770 at 4 PM.


L’Chaim: Weinbaum – Dubov

Photos: Shalom Ross/

The L’Chaim of Mendel Weinbaum of Crown Heights, and Menucha Dubov of Wimbledon, UK, was celebrated on Monday Night at the JCM.


War Day 213: Rafah Incursion Began, 12 Senators Threaten Prosecutor

Flares light up the sky over Rafah tonight.

War Summary, Day Two Hundred and Thirteen: On Monday evening the IDF announced that troops had begun to operate in Eastern Rafah, Hamas manipulatively announced that they accepted a ceasefire deal after Rafah attack began, and twelve Republican senators sent a letter to the chief prosecutor at the International Court of Justice and threatened: “If you hurt Israel, we will hurt you”.


New Moshiach Education Initiative Launched for Chabad Houses

Inspired by the Rebbe’s call to action on 28 Nissan, hundreds of Chabad Houses are beginning a new Moshiach Education series. Called ‘The Alef,’ the series is a user-friendly text-based lesson plan aiming to instill Moshiach’s relevance to Jews from all walks of life.


IDF Begins Rafah Invasion with Attack in the East

The long-awaited IDF invasion of Rafah, Hamas’s last remaining stronghold in Gaza, appears to be underway. IDF jets have begun carrying out intense bombing raids on terrorist infrastructure in the city, and a column of Israeli tanks are reported to be raiding the eastern side of the city.


Women’s Podcast Aims to Make the Geulah a Reality

‘Alef All Over,’ was founded one year ago as a podcast by-women-for-women with a mission to bring the Rebbe’s words to life. Each insightful episode highlights another sicha that the Rebbe said following Chof Ches Nissan in the years of 1991-1992.


Montreal Community Contrives to Bring the Geulah

In an effort to make the geulah a reality, the Anash community of Montreal gathered for a special shiur on Moshiach and Geulah by shliach to Côte Saint-Luc, Rabbi Mendel Raskin, followed by a late-night farbrengen.


‘Living with Moshiach’: What Does That Even Mean?

The mission and imperative of our times is well known “to live with the days of Moshiach!” But what does that even mean? We’re currently in a terrible and frightening golus! Isn’t it a paradox to “live with Moshiach” while still in golus? Article by Rabbi Nochum Shtroks.


Baby Boy
כ״ח ניסן ה׳תשפ״ד - May 6, 2024
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