Seder Nashim Is Now Open for Its Second Year Registration

After a successful first year with over 80 participants, Lemaan Yilemdu invites you to join their higher-education program tailored for women. Enhance your life by mastering subjects in Halacha and immerse in advanced Torah knowledge in order to live, learn, and grow.

Since 2021, Lemaan Yilmedu has filled the need for high-quality, immersive Halacha instruction in English. Working with a team of Rabbonim, teachers, translators and graphic artists, they have produced the most comprehensive English-language Halacha courses to date. They quickly grew, attracting hundreds of students eager to continue their Torah education in a professional capacity.

Last year, Lemaan Yilmedu began a top-tier Women’s Division called Seder Nashim. With over 80 eager participants in the inaugural course, the program was a smashing success. 

“The Seder Nashim course has given me the ability to be more confident in my own Yiddishkeit.” Says Ariella Zuckerman. “As a baalas teshuvah, I didn’t have as much depth of knowledge as I would have liked and this course has handed me the chance to take control of my learning. I now feel like I understand the reasoning behind so many of the laws and customs that I’ve been following for years. I am so excited to continue learning and growing and I now have more confidence to own my own Judaism and to be an active part in the halachos that are being practiced in my own home. My learning even inspired my husband to start his semicha through Lemaan Yilmedu!”

Now, it’s your opportunity to join like-minded women embarking on a journey of immersing in Torah and becoming an expert on relevant Halachos in day-to-day life. It is your chance to study with the best educators and teachers in the field in a professional, engaging, and convenient setting!

Seder Nashim Essential Halacha L’Maaseh Track is a year-long, 3 semester program focused on Halachos L’Massa in Hilchos Kashrus, Hilchos Taharah, and Hilchos Shabbos. Each class is engaging and straightforward, presented on PowerPoint slides and following booklets of summaries and visualizations in English. The program starts June 2, 2024 with Hilchos Shabbos. 

Seder Nashim is also proud to introduce an Advanced Mastery Track! Taught by leading Rabbanim, each course on Hilchos Kashrus, Hilchos Shabbos, and Hilchos Taharah will span one year, allowing for more depth of learning and breadth of knowledge. Beyond the basics, each course will explore the Halachos starting from the source and expanding to include the intricacies of each topic. The Advanced Mastery Track begins on June 2, 2024 with Hilchos Shabbos, taught by the illustrious Rabbi Yossi Barber

The program is available for women in Crown Heights, with a Zoom option for worldwide participation. The shiurim are recorded and will be available online for participants to review at a later date.

At the conclusion of each semester, a test is administered to retain the information.
Graduates of the entire program will receive a certificate declaring their mastery of the subjects!

 All you need is a commitment to learning and a thirst for knowledge to begin this next chapter of your educational journey. To register, visit


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