Online School Bar Mitzvah Maamer Course Is Back

Due to high demand, the Nigri Jewish Online School of the Shluchim Office announces Rabbi Yitzchok Jacobs will be back teaching the widely successful online Bar Mitzvah Maamer.

The six-week Bar Mitzvah course created by Rabbi Yitzchok Jacobs is designed to teach each boy the content of his Bar Mitzvah Maamer, giving each one an appreciation of its great significance and practical application in their lives.

The dynamic one hour sessions combine the important Bar Mitzvah material with games and activities, creating an engaging and inspiring experience for each of the students.

“Rabbi Jacobs made the learning fun with games and activities for the boys to interact and enjoy the course,” wrote a Shlucha in England. “My son really enjoyed the classes, I never needed to remind him to join!”

Registration is now openuntil Thursday, May 9for allShluchim and non-Shluchim boys, ages 12 and up at

The sessions will run for six consecutive Sundays at 8 PM EST beginning this Sunday,May 12.

The Nigri Jewish Online School, sister school to Nigri Shluchim Online School caters to families worldwide who don’t have access to Jewish education or prefer online learning.

Visit for more information and email [email protected] with any questions.

The Nigri Jewish Online School is a project of the Shluchim Office.


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