“The Rebbe Foresaw Everything”

As we prepare for the holy day of Gimmel Tammuz, the 30th Yom Hilulah of the Rebbe, we know as chassidim that “the Rebbe foresaw everything,” and we want to understand how the Rebbe prepared us for the 30th Yom Hilulah.


Picture of the Day

Rabbi Yisrael Rubin, head shliach of Northeastern NY, delivered a fascinating shiur to the Mesivta bochurim while participating in the Regional Kinus Hashluchim that’s taking place at Yeshiva Campus of Suffield CT.


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Listen: Beis Rivkah Graduation Speech, 1959

One of the first teachers at Beis Rivkah, Rebbetzin Ettel Tzerna Hodakov, taught at all levels and was involved in the institution’s development and expansion. She recorded her Yiddish address from the 1959 graduation, which is provided here with captions.


New Alter Rebbe’s Siddur Doesn’t Leave a Stone Unturned

Two decades after publishing the Alter Rebbe’s siddur with detailed sources and halachic explanations, Dayan LY Raskin of London prepares to publish a new and expanded edition. In an interview with Anash.org, he outlines the significance of the siddur and the nature of his work.


Baby Boy
י״ז סיון ה׳תשפ״ד - June 23, 2024

Rav Moshe Wolfson, 99, AH

Harav Moshe Wolfson, rov of the Emunas Yisroel community of Boro Park, who had a strong connection to the Rebbe and Chassidus Chabad, and participated at the yearly Yud Tes Kislev fabrengen, passed away on Motzei Shabbos, 17 Sivan.


Have You Ever Been to Boro Park?

Just 5 miles from Crown Heights, Boro Park boasts 25 thousand frum families, making it one of the largest Frum communities outside Eretz Yisroel. While the vast majority are what you would call “Poilishe,” it contains an influential Lubavitch shul, which is embarking on a campaign of expansion and growth.


GPS Won’t Tell You Where to Go

Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: Google and Waze are up to date with road construction, closures and traffic, but they’ll always be limited by finite intelligence. They can get us where we want to go, but they can’t possibly know if it’s good for us to be there.


Rebbe Responsa Launches ‘Behind the Letter’

In addition to the regular collection of letters, on the topic of dealing with mockery and ridicule, Rebbe Responsa has launched a new segment called “Behind the Letter,” including anecdotes, historical background, and interesting tidbits on one of the letters.


Teen Unity Shines Amid Challenges at Punta del Este Shabbaton

Jewish Teens gathered from across South America for the first-ever CTeen South America Regional Shabbaton. The weekend focused on building connections, discussing important topics such as marrying Jewish and Eretz Yisroel. They even enjoyed a surprise visit by the Mayor.


The Little Rabbi, A Giant of a Tzaddik

Photo: Marko Dashev www.markodashev.com

For over 20 years, R’ Sholi Katz of Forshey had the privilege to host the late chossid Reb Zalman Yudkin during his visits to Monsey. In this tribute, he shares some of the fascinating interactions he heard and witnessed of this special Lubavitcher chossid.

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