Children’s Home Graduates Celebrate Simchos Together

Having arrived at Moscow’s Children’s Home as small children, they grew and blossomed under its loving care and they now go to build their own Jewish families with the support of its staff.

As the summer season begins, it is with great satisfaction that the administration of Moscow’s Jewish Children’s Home is getting ready for a series of joyous celebrations. A number of its graduates are engaged and about to be married. Having arrived at the Children’s Home as little kids, they grew and blossomed under its loving care and dedication into mature young adults who are now about to build their own Jewish families.

This wonderful institution, set up by Russia’s Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar, has saved hundreds of precious Jewish souls both physically and spiritually, guiding them and educating them at their beautiful campus in the Rostokino neighborhood, which serves as a beacon of light for all its Jewish residents.

These children get to integrate into Moscow’s magnificent Jewish educational system led by Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Lipskier where they receive authentic Chassidic education, accompanied by a team of dedicated therapists and specialists who ensure that each child grows and develops healthily in mind, body and spirit. The results speak for themselves with many of the graduates going on to become shluchim in the FSU, collaborating and cooperating with the hundreds of Chabad rabbis throughout Russia, with a delegation of such rabbis visiting the Children’s Home just a few days ago in order to get first hand impressions of the place.

The dedicated director of the Children’s Home, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Gol, keeps in touch personally with each and every one of the graduates, guiding them and supporting them during the shidduchim stage, into their marriage, and afterward. He is very grateful to the sponsors and friends who assist the graduates financially so that they can get married and build their own families normatively.

During the past few months, a number of graduates got engaged, which meant that the Children’s Home hosted their Lechaim in its main hall, in the presence of Russia’s Chief Rabbi. Rabbi Gol and his family, along with the dedicated staff took care of all the details, and the Home’s children served as the extended family.

These days the Home’s administration is busy arranging the weddings that will take place in different countries, according to “das Moshe veYisroel”, in a dignified manner, thanks to the help and assistance of friends as well as the Hachnosas Kallah fund under the FSU’s Keren Chaya Mushka.

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