The upcoming N’shei Chabad Newsletter includes the story of what Henya Federman did last Gimmel Tammuz, Goldie Grossbaum’s take-off on ‘Is It Shabbos Yet?’ and more.
Terror Victim Passes Away 22 Years After Suicide Bombing
Chana Tova Chaya Nachenberg, H’yd, passed away at the age of 52 on Wednesday, 22 years after she was critically injured in the Sbarro bombing attack in Jerusalem in 2001.
Toronto Moshiach Symposium Makes Waves
A large Hakhel event was held recently in Thornhill, Toronto where several shluchim and mashpi’im spoke about the importance of the Rambam’s Hilchos Moshiach and the Rebbe’s Dvar Malchus.
Watch: Reb Yoel On Parshas Naso
Watch: A short lesson by Reb Yoel Kahn on Parshas Naso with an English transcript.
Live: Opening Session of New Shluchim Kollel
Join live at 12:00 PM: Kollel L’Rabbonei Chabad invites you to join the opening sessions of its new zman where you will hear from leading Rabbonim and Kollel members.
Our Communities
60 Jewish Schools Compete in Paris Rambam Chidon
For the ninth consecutive year, Tzivos Hashem France organized the Chidon for all Jewish schools in France. The Chidon culminated in an award ceremony for the winners to collect their prizes.
L’Chaim: Friend – Skoblo
The L’Chaim of Yisroel Friend and Mera Skoblo, both of Crown Heights, took place Tuesday night at the Jewish Children’s Museum.
Lubavitcher Chaplain Sworn In at Entrance to 770
Lubavitcher Dovid Moya was sworn in as a chaplain for the US Navy on Wednesday by Lieutenant Levi Ceitlin, the first Lubavitcher in the US Navy, at the entrance to 770 in Crown Heights.
Beis Chaya Mushka Mothers Treated to an Evening Together
A program to honor the mothers of students at Beis Chaya Mushka was held in Crown Heights this week. The program included an inspirational speaker, a paint night with Chanie Chanin, and a free ticket into raffles for incredible prizes.
Well-Used Kosel Torahs Retired in Age-Old Ceremony
In a historic ceremony, ancient, worn-out Torah scrolls from the Western Wall were brought to a special burial (genizah) ceremony on the Mount of Olives.
130-Year-Old Shul Reopens After a Decade-Long Renovation
After extensive restoration, a 130 year old synagogue reopened with an impressive visit from Russia’s Chief Rabbi and the District Governor and Mayor.
L’Chaim: Weiss – Notik
The L’Chaaim of Yossi Weiss of Antwerp, Belgium, and Devorah Leah Notik of Riverwoods, IL, took place Tuesday night at the Besht Hall.
Chabad Mechanchim Unite at Gala Hakhel Banquet
A gala end-of-year Hakhel banquet welcomed mechanchim from across the greater New York area in a show of appreciation for their leadership. Uplifting talks, inspiring music and fine display enhanced the event.
Levaya of Boro Park Chossid Passes 770
The levaya of Rabbi Yosef Goldberg, a respected elder Chabad Chossid from Boro Park who developed a close relationship with the Rebbe and Rebbetzin, passed 770 on Wednesday.
Picture of the Day
After an extended period of time in a nursing home, beloved Crown Heights character Charlie Buttons was seen this week at a wedding in Oholei Torah with his trademark balloons and smile.
Uplifting Shabbaton for Darchai Menachem Teachers and Their Families
Darchai Menachem held a Shabbaton to celebrate the yeshiva’s incredible teachers and their families. It was a time to recognize the immense dedication and sacrifice that the Mechanchim and their spouses make for the school.
Vienna Group to the Rebbe Sees Open Miracles
Now for the fifth year, a large group from the community of Beit Halevi in Austria traveled to New York to spend a week by the Rebbe. One participant is thanking the Rebbe for a miracle.
Yiddish Pamphlet Has Boro Park Learning Sichos In-Depth
Every week, hundreds of pamphlets featuring a sicha are distributed to shuls throughout Boro Park. This publication is unique both in regards to its target audience, as well as the display and select content.
Rabbi Yosef Goldberg, 92, AH
Rabbi Yosef Goldberg, a respected elder Chabad Chossid from Boro Park who developed a close relationship with the Rebbe and Rebbetzin, passed away on Wednesday, 11 Sivan 5783.
L’Chaim: Kaminezki – Gourevitch
The L’Chaim of Reuven Kaminezki of Dnipro, Ukraine and Esther Gourevitch of Lyon, France took place Tuesday night at the JCM.
Laufer Family Dedicates New Torah to Oholei Torah Mesivta
The bochurim of Oholei Torah Mesivta joined the Siyum of a new Sefer Torah, dedicated by the Laufer family to the new Oholei Torah Mesivta building.
Kinus HaMechanchim Program to Focus on Communication
The 22nd Kinus HaMechanchim sponsored by the Merkos Chinuch Office will be held at the Armon Hotel in Stamford, Connecticut on 27-28 Menachem Av, August 14th and 15th. The kinus brings together hundreds of mechanchim from throughout the US and Canada.
L’Chaim: Katz – Fine
The L’Chaim of Mendel Katz of Crown Heights and Rochel Fine of Irvine, CA, took place Monday night at JCM.
Trusting in Trying Times with Rabbi YY Jacobson
Popular lecturer Rabbi YY Jacobson will host a Zoom call to discuss how we can live with Bitachon and Emunah during life’s challenges.