Ask the Rov: What are the halachic requirements for a non-Jew to convert? Rabbi Chaim Hillel Raskin replies.
Mrs. Luba Pinson, 100, AH
Mrs. Leah (Luba) Pinson, wife of the 770 Gabbai Rabbi Yehoshua Pinson, passed away on Sunday morning, 17 Elul, 5783.
First Duet by Brothers Simche and Yehuda Friedman
Chasidic singer Simche Friedman has released a new single, in which he hosts his brother Yehuda Friedman, for the first time.
Wedding: Butler – Lowenthal
The wedding of Shmuly Butler of Crown Heights and Chava Lowenthal of Copenhagen, Denmark took place Wednesday night in Copenhagen. Plus: Teshura download.
He Was Looking at His Phone Instead of His Wife
Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: A newlywed couple sat at a sushi place, with the wife looking through the menu while her husband looked through his phone. Eventually, she too took out her phone and began scrolling. Their sushi was served, and they both ate, looking at their phones the entire time instead of at each other.
Our Communities
L’Chaim: Blokh – Sandler
The L’Chaim of Nechemia Blokh of Rego Park, Queens and Netta Sandler of Staten Island, NY took place Tuesday night at Rubashkin’s.
As a Little Boy, He Journeyed from Homel to Lubavitch
In something that was unusual for his time, Reb Avraham Ber Yirmiya’s of Babroisk merited as a little boy to visit the Tzemach Tzedek in Lubavitch. His incredible account captures life in Lubavitch in the eyes of a young boy.
‘Safe Tech’ to Open Office in Crown Heights on Sunday
Due to the high demand for safe technology, the Crown Heights community is opening its very own office which will provide solutions to the challenges that modern technology devices are bringing.
Bikkurim, Elul and Copenhagen
Rebbe Responsa Installment 16: English letters from the Rebbe on practical lessons from bikkurim, and two newly released letters about seeking G-d in the month of Elul, and learning Shecitah and teaching in Copenhagen.
Erev Parshas Ki Savo Around Crown Heights
The streets and shops of Crown Heights were full on Friday and residents and guests prepared for Shabbos Parshas Ki Savo. Plus: Shalom Zachar list.
Go Back to School with Torah Tzivah
Are you a parent busy buying school supplies for your child’s first day of school? Or an educator preparing your classroom for the influx of new children? To help facilitate this fresh start, SIE released Torah Tzivah — To Cherish the Torah, a chinuch resource for parents and educators alike.
Jewish Music Greats Unite on Stage
Watch: Sing and dance along as the iconic sounds of Mordechai Ben David, Avraham Fried and Yaakov Shwekey, are blended into one unforgettable, mesmerizing medley.
Yeshiva Anniversary Celebrated with ‘Chodorom’ Spirit
The new group of bochurim who arrived in New York to spend the upcoming year studying in ‘Kvutzah’ celebrated the founding of Tomchei Temimim in the spirit of Chodorom.
L’Chaim: Nemanow – Hazan
The L’Chaim of Sender Nemanow of Lyon, France and Sorele Hazan of Milan, Italy took place Wednesday night at Ulam Chana.
Moishy Goldstein Releases New Single ‘Only You’
Music producer and singer Moishy Goldstein of Music Studio NYC released a new single ‘Only You’ which is a new, bilingual version of the beloved song ‘Ein Aroch Lecha’ by Michoel Streicher.
Farbrengen at 770 Marks Founding of Tomchei Temimim
Bochurim of the Central Tomchei Temimim at 770 marked the Yeshiva’s founding on 15 Elul with a celebratory farbrengen led by mashpia Rabbi Shlomo Zarchi and Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Zalman Labkowski.
When It’s Good To Be Afraid
As a seminary student, Mrs. Esther (Chitrik) Piekarsky was mentoring high school girls and felt afraid of the responsibility. During yechidus, the Rebbe told her why it was good that she was afraid.
Grand Hachnasa L’Cheder Held at YTTL Montreal
Yeshiva Tomchei Temimim Lubavitch Montreal welcomed their youngest grade of students to yeshiva, with a beautiful collective arainfirenish event.
Discovered: The Earliest Known Letter of the Rebbe in English
Just days after printing a collection of the Rebbe’s English letters from the 1940s, the Rebbe Responsa team found what they believe may be the earliest letter of the Rebbe written in English. exclusive.
Live: Chabad Sofrim Gather for Hakhel in Crown Heights
Live Now: A Hakhel gathering is being held in Crown Heights for all Lubavitcher Sofrei Stam in connection with the month of Elul, addressed by leading Rabbonim and Sofrim.
Pittsburgh Mesivta Starts School On Beautiful New Grounds
Amongst the rolling green hills of Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, the Mesivta of Pittsburgh began the school year of 5784 on a new property.
Download and Print: Shabbos Digest
Download and print for your Shabbos reading pleasure: The Shabbos Digest presents the top stories, commentary, opinions, and columns from the past week, in a print-friendly format.
Non-Jewish Taxi Driver Makes Sure to Visit the Ohel Every Day
Watch: After being told about the Ohel by a group of shluchim, this non-Jewish taxi driver visits the Ohel every day, sometimes even twice a day. And it’s not to pick up passengers…
Special-Needs Twins in Ukraine Warzone Were Grateful for This
The lives of Mariana Tsopa and her three children, two of whom have special needs were upended when Russia launched its invasion of Ukraine. Thanks to Chabad of Poland, they got a break from the madness.
The Doughs and Don’ts of Challah Baking
With the Yomim Tovim fast approaching, Rabbi Nissan Zibell of Kashrus: Be in the Know, brings clarity on the halachos of Hafrashas Challah with a New Part 3 to the series “The Doughs and Don’ts of Challah”.
New Shluchim to Northern Virginia
Rabbi Yitzy and Chaya Oster (nee Simpson) and their children are embarking on a journey to Northern Virginia-Fairfax, with a heartfelt goal of enriching families’ lives with Yiddishkeit, beginning with the younger members of the community.